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  • Kas29

    29.11.2024 16:00-17:00 Online    Stephen Ross / University of Connecticut Who Benefits from Million Dollar Plants? The Missing Local Beneficiaries  We study who receives jobs in the industries catalyzed by Million Dollar...

  • Kas22

    22.11.202414:00-15:00OnlineQian Li - ITU Multi-unit Auction in Discrete Type Space     *This event will be held in English (please email at nazli.cotur@ozyegin.edu.tr for the meeting link)

  • Kas22

    22.11.2024 14:00-15:30 AB2 345   Dr. Murat Tiniç (Kadir Has University)   Bank-affiliation and Information Leakage Around Earnings Announcements: Evidence from Turkish REITs This paper examines whether the bank-affiliated...

  • Kas08

    Faculty of Business Brown Bag Seminars - Finance - Dr. Sevcan Yesiltas 08.11.202413:30-15:00 AB2 345Speaker: Sevcan Yesiltas (Koc University) Sevcan Hoca will present to us her joint work with Sumru Altug (AUB).Title: Investment under...

  • Kas01

    İşletme Fakültesi Araştırma Seminerleri | Ekonomi | Dr. Guido Neidhöfer 01.11.2024 14:00-15:00AB2 218Dr. Guido Neidhöfer  (ZEW Mannheim ve Türk-Alman Üniversitesi)Intergenerational Returns to Migration: Evidence from...

  • Kas01

    İşletme Fakültesi Brown Bag Seminerleri - Finans - Dr. Levent Güntay 01.11.202413:30-15:00 AB2 345Konuşmacı: Levent Guntay (Ozyegin University)  Dr. Guntay will present to us his joint work with Dr. Emrah Ahi (Ozyegin University)...