Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Required Courses
MGMT 902 - Research Methods and Publication Ethics: To provide skills to define research problems and to use methodology to deal with them scholarly while adhering to the scholarly values of academic research.
MGMT 960 – Seminar: To provide candidates with opportunities to practice paper review and discussion.
General Business Elective Courses
MGMT 901 - Probability Theory and Statistics: To provide an in-depth introduction to probability and statistical inference.
MGMT 903 - Advanced Managerial Economics: To enhance understanding of firm and consumer behavior.
Major Elective Courses
OPM 901 - Linear Programming and Extensions: To introduce fundamentals of the theory of linear optimization and its extensions for modeling and solving complicated and large-scale problems.
OPM 902 - Stochastic Processes: To familiarize students with advanced stochastic optimization models.
OPM 904 - Integer and Combinatorial Optimization: To introduce both the practice and the theory of integer programming
OPM 905 - System Simulation: Introduction to simulation models and simulation studies
OPM 906 - Production Operations Management: To introduce the fundamental and widely used models of production and inventory management.
OPM 907 - Service Operations Management: To introduce the theory and practice of service operations.
OPM 908 - Supply Chain Management: To introduce the role and function of supply chain management and techniques used in effectively managing the supply chains in various industries.
OPM 914 - Revenue Optimization: To provide the students with the fundamental knowledge and techniques required to employ revenue management concepts in their research, or to pursue research in this dynamic field.
MKTG 901 - Econometric Modeling in Marketing: To quantify the relation between marketing mix variables and performance metrics.
MKTG 902 - Experimental Design and Execution: To familiarize students with applied data analysis techniques and research designs commonly used in the social and behavioral sciences.
MKTG 903 - Managerial Marketing Theory: To introduces PhD students to the most important substantive problems marketing researchers analyze, to review seminal papers in these areas and to helps students define their own research area.
MKTG 904 - Consumer Behavior: To provide a theoretical foundation for understanding how individuals process information and to suggest how theoretical notions might be tested experimentally.
MKTG 910 - Marketing Strategy: To provide a foundation for research in strategic management and for using core strategic management concepts in adjacent research fields.
MKTG 913 - Special Topics in Marketing II: To introduce the students to various qualitative methodologies in marketing and help students apply qualitative techniques in their research.
MKTG 914 - Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing: To familiarize students with various qualitative methodologies used in consumer research and marketing and help them apply these techniques in their own research.
MKTG 916 - Applied Marketing Models: Pazarlama bilim adamları ve modelleyiciler için bilimsel, uygulamalı hesaplama temeli sağlamak.
MGMT 906 - Strategy: To provide a foundation for research in strategic management and for using core strategic management concepts in adjacent research fields.
MGMT 907 - Management Theory: To acquire an overview of management theory and an insight into the relationships between its basic ideas by becoming familiar with classic contributions in management theory.
MGMT 908 - Organization Theory: To introduce fundamental questions and theories in the area of organization theory and to help develop own research questions.
MGMT 909 - Organizational Behavior: This course provides an academic foundation for research in organizational behavior. Students will develop the analytical skills necessary to critically evaluate and integrate their work in the field of organizational behavior.
MGMT 913 - Special Topics in Management: To improve practical skills of how to do good research in management.
MGMT 914 - Social Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation and Innovating Social Change: To provide insight into social entrepreneurship, social innovation and innovating for social change through case studies, site visits and guest lecturers.
MGMT 919 - International Business and Strategy: To introduce the student to the major theories, empirical applications and debates in the field of international business and international strategy.
FIN 901 - Corporate Finance: To prepare doctoral students for research in corporate finance.
FIN 902 - Financial Econometrics: To introduce the necessary econometric models and tools to understand the financial markets’ price movements and volatility, test models of how financial markets operate and how financial prices are determined.
FIN 907 - Asset Pricing: To arm the learner with the theoretical and empirical tools that she/he can use to conduct high quality asset pricing research.
FIN 909 - Financial Institutions and Banking: To provide the toolkit needed to deal with theoretical and empirical aspects of banking research.
FIN 913 - Special Topics in Finance: To get the students acquainted with the Portfolio and Asset Pricing theories and provide them with knowledge and skills to read, discuss, and present academic papers on hedge funds.
FIN 914 - Survey in Finance: To get acquainted with the fundamental theories of Asset Pricing and gain the basic knowledge that is needed to read, discuss, and present academic papers.
Free Elective Courses
MGMT 905 - Research Paradigm: To equip PhD students with the basic tenets of scholarly research activities.
MGMT 911 – Econometric: A solid understanding of statistics at the graduate level is required. It is assumed that the students know what a random variable is and have run a regression.
ECON 908 - Macroeconomic Policy Analysis: To expose students to a graduate level treatment of macroeconomics with an applied emphasis on policymaking, using the state of the art techniques and computational procedures