Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions


IDE 101 Principles of Design                                                                                                                           (2-6) (8  ECTS)
This course provides a working knowledge of the basic elements and principles of design that will guide students on their pursuit to give form to ideas. The course will help students to attain an understanding of basic design concepts, visual thinking and design materials, as well as gain compositional skills through the use of formal and spatial elements. The goal of the course is to expand students’ intellectual, visual and technical abilities besides encouraging and nourishing creative approaches to problem solving.
IDE 103 Design Visualization  I                                                                                                                        (2-2) (4 ECTS)
Concepts of drawing (perception, line, proportion, composition); basic geometric forms, product geometry, composition, ratio in perspective, orthographic views, auxiliary views, multi-view sketching, isometric perspectives, shade and shadow in a perspective, complex form definitions, patterns and sections, page layout, graphical layout, backgrounds; 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional thinking skills.
COD 101 Introduction to Communication Design                                                                                       (3-0) (6 ECTS)
In this course, students are introduced to the basic approaches and the practice of communication design. The historical background of communication design, dynamics of different technological platforms, principles of interactive media, creative thinking and problem solving strategies, methods for transforming ideas into visual form, integration of ideas, words and images for effective communication, and spatial communication techniques are among the subjects that are studied in the course.
COD 103 Graphic Design Tools                                                                                                                       (1-2) (4 ECTS)

This course focuses on the basic tools in the computer graphics industry. Practicing with Adobe Illustrator students work on the given examples, tracing images, creating vector paths, shapes, & patterns. They also use image processing techniques, including selecting, changing, and replacing colors, poster design, basic photography techniques, and create shapes with type through Adobe Photoshop. Practicing with Adobe InDesign students create a full magazine spread, grasp the rules of print media, design the cover page, and create multiple pages with text and photos.                                                                                                                                                         

ENG 101 English I                                                                                                                                               (1-2) (4 ECTS)
Students practice their spoken and written communication skills in English using academic vocabulary and language forms and functions in a variety of general contexts.
TLL 101 Turkish Language and Literature 1                                                                                               (2-0) (4 ECTS)
This course is intended to develop sophistication in spoken debate of complex ideas. It covers characteristics of Turkish language and selected works in Turkish Literature. Emphasis is placed on reading, critically examining and discussing selected prose, stories and poetry. Correct use of Turkish will be discussed with examples of narration defects, punctuation and spelling mistakes etc. and historical and cultural foundations of literary texts will be analysed.



COD 102 Communicative Practice                                                                                                                  (2-6) (8 ECTS)
This course aims to provide students with the ability of developing concepts and transferring them into visual language that are to represent the ideas and themes derived from the analysis of different media consisting of moving to static, or textual to visual messages such as movies, novels, advertisements or slogans. In parallel, students will learn the necessary methods, tools and technologies for the effective presentation of developed projects.
IDE 104 Design Visualization 2                                                                                                                        (2-2) (4 ECTS)
Representation of design ideas through developing manual and computing skills by sketching, traditional rendering, diagramming, prototyping experiences using scenarios, storytelling and narration techniques.
COD 104 Photography                                                                                                                                       (1-2) (4 ECTS)
In this class students develop an understanding of the photographic language and methods, and practice with different techniques. Students are introduced to the photographic concepts, basic use of camera and light, and photo processing in digital environment.
IDE 108 History of Art and Design                                                                                                                   (3-0) (3 ECTS)
The course will focus on the aesthetic and historical evaluation of arts and design from the early civilizations to modern era.  With an emphasis on social aspects, art and design will be narrated in the context of the time and culture in which was created.  The course seeks to introduce a broad view of art history with special emphasis on major trends and movements that have occurred in the visual arts.
COD 106 Concept Development for Design                                                                                                 (3-0) (3 ECTS)

This course focuses on the design thinking process to support the identification of design problems and create design ideas. Within the scope of the course, students are expected to empathize with a target group, define a design problem, ideate on possible alternative design solutions, and bring a proof-of-concept for design decisions. Students practice solving wicked design problems through a creative and holistic approach by addressing their aesthetic and technical aspects and utilizing design thinking models.                                                                                                                                                             

COD 108 Rendering for Design                                                                                                 (3-0) (4 ECTS)
In this course, the students are asked to sketch diverse versions of subjects such as human figures and portraits to improve their sketching skills especially in digital environments. Working with photo references, they are asked to apply digital styles for design basics such as line, shape, color, texture and patterns to select and add to their main compositions. Design principles such as balance, proportion, perspective, movement and pattern are also practiced for students to start improving a style of their own.
ENG 102 English II                                                                                                                                              (1-2) (4 ECTS)
Students improve their spoken and written communication skills in English using academic lexis, complex language structures and upper-intermediate language functions in various general contexts.
TLL 102 Turkish Language and Literature II                                                                                               (2-0) (4 ECTS)
This course is intended to develop sophistication in written debate of complex ideas. It covers selected works in Turkish Literature and different approaches to literature to answer the question why we read fictional works. Emphasis is placed on reading selected novels, stories and drama, and writing analytic papers on them. Correct use of Turkish will also be discussed with examples of narration defects, punctuation and spelling mistakes etc. during the course.



COD 201 Design Studio 1                                                                                                                                (2-8) (10 ECTS)

This course addresses visual communication design through studio problems focusing on research, concept development, creativity and form-making. It covers the methods and techniques used in the design process where complex ideas and messages are transformed into creative visual form.                                                                                                                                                        .

COD 203 Video Production                                                                                                                              (1-2) (4 ECTS)
Students are introduced to the main concepts of video production, such as the production phases of filmmaking, basic grammar of cinematic language, and film editing. The exercises and discussions intend to equip students with the principles of digital filmmaking and help them develop creative design skills and critical evaluation skills by using digital video as a source of production.
COD 205 Typographic Communication                                                                                                         (1-2) (4 ECTS)
In this course, major topics consist of the anatomy of letterforms, type history, classification systems, composition and page layout, legibility, readability and expressive qualities of type. This course covers exercises to support the necessary type skills for print and digital media, and help students develop their creative process and use typography in the solution of communication design problems in newly powerful ways.
COD 207 Programming                                                                                                                                     (0-3) (3 ECTS)
This course addresses programming concepts using p5js, a JavaScript library for creative coding. Students work on the basics of programming, including variables, functions, debugging and control structures, and how to apply them to create custom applications. In the course, programming fundamentals are examined through Algorithmic Art practices to enhance students' comprehension of programming concepts and their creative applications in design. Students work on individual and collaborative projects, participate in in-class coding exercises, and discuss various Algorithmic Art techniques and their applications.
COD 209 Interactive Design Tools                                                                                                                  (0-3) (3 ECTS)

The course starts with a thorough grounding in writing HTML and CSS, and continue through practical hands-on examples to better understand theories and use the tools effectively. Bootstrap as a framework is used for students to create a personal website.

IDE 209 Contemporary Art and Design                                                                                                          (3-0) (2 ECTS)
This course will introduce students broadly to key movements, and debates in the history of contemporary art and design from modern era till today. Focusing on the interrelationships between culture and the themes of postmodernism the course will address a wide range of historical and methodological questions. These will include, alternative modernities, bienalism, interdisciplinarity, the evolving idea of artistic autonomy, the changing role of cultural institutions and the impact of new technologies on artistic production.
SEC 201 Introduction to Sectors I                                                                                                                  (0-2) (2 ECTS)
The course will deepen students’ knowledge of work life and industry profile in each of the following four sectors: Financial, Information and Communication Technologies, Social and Emerging sectors. Students will not only be provided with sectorial information, they will be equipped with tools and skills to find and interpret most relevant and up to date industry data. Extensive sectorial information will be enhanced by expert guest lecturers from the business world, visits to firms, first hand brief industry experience, as well as case studies.
COD  200 Summer Practice  I                                                                                                                          (0-2) (2 ECTS)                                                                                                                                              Summer Practice I aims to make students gain experience on the organizational structure and the work flow of various business areas such as advertising agencies, graphic design studios, multi-media studios, public relations offices, newspaper and television production studios.



COD 202 Design Studio II                                                                                                                                (2-8) (10 ECTS)
This course focuses on visual communication design products where multiple components come together to form a dynamic system. Students work on the given design problems on topics such as creative brand identity, emblem and logo design, corporate identity, infographics, book, magazine and interactive interface design for print, digital and/or interactive media. They develop a creative and unique approach to design, along with the methods they can use to approach multi-layered design problems.
COD 204 Visual Media Animated                                                                                                                    (1-2) (4 ECTS)
The class covers the basics of motion media and design and the use of Adobe After Effects to help students to create timely mannered animated movies. Students gain a solid foundation of motion graphics and effects techniques that support their creativity and enhance their digital skillset.
IDE 206 Human Factors in Design                                                                                                                   (3-0) (3 ECTS)
This course introduces the students to the dynamics of information architecture and design for different areas of application. Starting from theories on structures, flowcharts, navigation, information design, the class advances with applied work on different areas. Classworks for hierarchical, networking, temporal, spatial, networking, spatio/temporal structures are investigated within the semester.
COD 206 Information Architecture                                                                                                                 (1-2) (4 ECTS)
The purpose of this class is to help students attain the basic knowledge on network design planning. It aims to introduce the dynamics of information design on a wide-ranging array from commercial communication to interaction with designed objects. Starting from theories on information design, the class advances with applied work on different areas. ‘Content development’, ‘sequencing’, ‘interaction’, and ‘navigation’ are among the subjects to be covered.
COD 208 Advanced Programming                                                                                                                  (0-3) (3 ECTS)

This course is a continuation of their computer programming studies and covers advanced programming concepts, including data structures, custom algorithms, and programming paradigms like object-oriented programming (OOP), network communication protocols, and utilizing additional software libraries. Students work on programming for interactive applications using p5js, Algorithmic Art practices, and Interaction Design. The course has both theoretical and practical components, and students are required to complete various programming assignments, readings, and projects.                                                                                                                                                      
COD 210 History of Communication Design                                                                                                 (3-0) (4 ECTS)
This course addresses the history and theories concerning communication design, graphic design and interactive media in parallel with the movements in art history as a necessary theoretical basis in communication design. It focuses on the issues concerning communication and design practices within historical, cultural, social, political and technological contexts. For this purpose, the class examines the relationship between the societies, media, art and design, and discusses the role of communication designers comparatively in different periods.
SEC 202 Introduction to Sectors II                                                                                                                 (0-2) (2 ECTS)
The course will deepen students’ knowledge of work life and industry profile in each of the following four sectors: retail, health, tourism and real estate, production and emerging sectors. Students will not only be provided with sectorial information, they will be equipped with tools and skills to find and interpret most relevant and up to date industry data. Extensive sectorial information will be enhanced by expert guest lecturers from the business world, visits to firms, first hand brief industry experience, as well as case studies.



COD 301 Design Studio III                                                                                                                               (2-8) (10 ECTS)
This studio design course focuses on the communication of a message by using sound, video and typography. For this purpose, the study topics are built around video design for interactive media. The selection of subjects, textual research, setting up of the problem and preliminary photographic sketches form the preparation stage. Next stage consists of preparing project flow charts, specifying the tools, completion of raw photographic and video images, and preparation of graphic elements. Finally, photography-based animations, design of interaction tools, video and photo editing, and textual elements are completed and the project is prepared to be presented on the Internet.

This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding and practice of moving image production. This 10-hour per week core course requires using a number of teaching methods such as  giving lectures, organising group and individual studies and hands-on practical sessions including the usage of multi-media laboratories. Students are expected to make use of various visualisation techniques such as screenwriting, filmmaking and animation. Some projects of this class can be listed as: - Climate 2050: Digital Storytelling and Data Visualisation in collaboration with UN SDGs and foundations such as Boğaziçi University Centre for Climate Change and Policy and Climate News- a London based Online Journal - Art-ify The Research:  Data Visualisation, Science Communication and Visualising Academic Works - Rare Stories: Digital Storytelling focusing on Rare Diseases in collaboration with Rare Disease Unit of Faculty of Medicine at Istanbul University.

*In this course, groups A and B produce two different projects by switching places during the semester.
COD 303 Innovation in Communication Design                                                                                           (1-2) (4 ECTS)
The main reason of the infertility in every discipline in terms of creativity and innovation is not being able to consider the creativity as a competence that can be learned, in all its parts. (idea management, re-framing the issues, motivation, imagination, ecology, visualization etc.) From the biology to fine arts, law to medicine, engineering to political sciences, this new relative discipline that corresponded in numerous fields, has triggered the valuable outcomes by providing synergy in interdisciplinary areas. The course is taught as two-hour theoretical lesson in classroom, and next one hour continue with practices.
COD 305 Interaction Design                                                                                                                             (1-2) (4 ECTS)
This course addresses the interaction design discipline and profession and it includes a brief overview of the history of interaction design as discipline and a profession taking disciplines that have affected its development such as human-computer interaction, communication design, industrial design, cognitive psychology and architectural design into consideration. In the course, products are examined as events and experiences instead of only objects by giving references to the development of information and communication technologies. The course also introduces concepts, tools and methods for the interaction design process; interface design; interactive and time-based media for designers by discussing examples from the everyday life of people in terms of interaction design..
HIST 201 Principles of Ataturk and History of the Turkish Republic I                                                     (2-0) (4 ECTS)
This is the first of a sequence of two term-courses that focus on the political, economic, social, and cultural history of the late Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey. It addresses issues related to why and how the Ottoman Empire ended; why and how the Republic of Turkey came onto the agenda; what the nascent Republic inherited from the Empire in terms of the relationship between state and society; and what kind of nation and nation-state was imagined in Early Republican Turkey.
COD 300  Summer Practice II (Office)                                                                                                            (0-8) (2 ECTS)                                                                                                                                            Summer Practice II requires students to actively participate in the production of audio-visual media such as for television, multi-media, public relations and advertising. Students are expected to understand and observe in detail the team work, in-group collaborations, and production-client relations on the subjects of planning, media integration, and production techniques & tools.



COD 302 Design Studio IV                                                                                                                              (2-8) (10 ECTS)
The subject of this studio is the design of interactive exhibitions which focuses on the creations and organization of activity, use of media and spatial organization, with the guidance of Activity Theory. With the use of space supported by movement and memory, this environment is expected to provide multilayered communication through a balanced construction of interconnected components.
COD 304 Ideation and Creativity Management                                                                                                   (3-0) (4 ECTS)
This course introduces the Internet as a major facilitator of knowledge management and collective intelligence. The focus is on a set of social, technological and economic trends combined together and termed as web 2.0. The emerging tools such as wikis, blogs, prediction markets, recommender systems, and social networks are covered.

COD 306 User Experience Evaluation                                                                                                             (2-1) 3 ECTS

This course covers the essence and foundations of usability testing for the analysis and evaluation of design elements as to whether they meet the users' requirements, needs, limitations, mental models and cognitive styles. In this course, the concept of usability, testing methods and how to design a study so that it addresses a usability problem, recruit the right participants, and set up the test environment are described. The students are expected to operate the moderation and observation of a usability session, interacting with participants and asking the right questions, making an analysis of the results, and ideating design solutions to address the problem    

IDE 304 Design Consumption and Culture                                                                                                   (3-0) (3 ECTS)
The course will explore the complexities of relationship with design and consumption in relation to culture. The relationships of design as a cultural and social practice with the concepts of consumption such as social identities and individual lifestyles will be discussed. The course offers theoretical discussions on design products, which is not only about use, but about taste and cultural competence, and its relation to consumer culture.
HIST 202 Principles of Ataturk and History of the Turkish Republic I                                                     (2-0) (4 ECTS)
This is the second of a sequence of two term-courses that focus on the political, economic, social, and cultural history of the late Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey. It addresses issues related to Turkey’s experience with democracy during the cold war period; import-substituting industrialization in the 1960s and 1970s; the open economy of 1980s and its political, social and cultural outcomes; and Turkey-European Union relations and their impact on the relationship between state and society in Turkey.



COD 401 Design Studio V                                                                                                                               (2-8) (10 ECTS)
Through a Design Thinking process, students define challenges, conduct user research, generate ideas and propose tangible interface concepts as well as test them through prototypes. In parallel to this process, students read relevant papers from HCI and/or other fields and create visual sketches out of them. In this way, we discuss the frameworks and concepts related to TUIs through their visual impressions.

COD 403 Interactive Marketing                                                                                                                    (3-0) (6 ECTS)  
In this course, all dimensions of interactive marketing are discussed, and students experience the first-hand applications of the interactive marketing principles practiced in the industry. guest-lecturers from leading brands of the world are invited to enrich the case study discussions of the course.

COD 400 Summer Practice III (Studio)                                                                                                           (0-8) (2 ECTS)
Summer Practice III requires students to actively participate in the production and post- production stages of audio-visual media productions relating to television, multi-media, film and advertisement campaigns.


COD 402 Graduation Project                                                                                                                        (0-12) (12 ECTS)
Within the scope of the class, the students are expected to work on a problem which they have found out throughout the term and create a professional application on the basis of communication design. They submit different aspects of their projects once in a month to a jury to be guided by the critics.
COD 404 Professional Practice and Ethics                                                                                                     (3-0) (6 ECTS)

The aim of this course is to prepare students for the transition from their academic lives to the professional domain by providing them with the knowledge and methods they can benefit for initiating their design careers. The course includes both practical and theoretical work. The theoretical part enables students to ground their understanding of the communication design profession by including seminars and discussions on career strategies, market tendencies, business management, designer-client relations, copyright and licensing, labour laws and design ethics. With practical projects students obtain the necessary tools for applications and interviews such as preparing a résumé and designing a portfolio. Classes also incorporate presentations by invited professionals, field trips as well.                                                                                                                                                       

ELECTIVE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS                                                                                                                                                   

COD 312 Icon Design                                                                                                                                         (3-0) (3 ECTS)
In this course besides the history of icon design students are taught how to plan, build, design and export their own custom icon sets and create custom icons through image editing programs.

COD 313 Digital Typography                                                                                                                            (3-0) (3 ECTS)
By integrating traditional typography to the needs of today’s digital environment, this course focuses on typographic design and communication for screen-based media. Students acquire in-depth experience on the design of editorial content via subjects including readability, information hierarchy, form-content, and text-image relationship, as well as becoming competent in typographic structures, principles, and theories relevant to digital communication media.
COD 314 Digital Illustration                                                                                                                          (3-0) (3 ECTS)    
Students are able to experiment and develop their personal expressions while improving their experience in visualization of concepts. Emphasis is given to creativity, visual storytelling, interpretation, form and composition through projects. In addition, the class enables students to become familiar with and utilize specific vector and pixel-based programs that broaden the possibilities for illustrators.
COD 315 Interactive Design Ergonomics                                                                                                      (3-0) (3 ECTS)
Design is interwoven with many disciplines involving human nature. In this course we aim to make the students understand the basics of human cognition and perception. Conceptual design works and different mechanisms for interaction are analysed in order to understand the human beings’ way of doing things and the human factors in design business. The students are expected to learn how humans react to different design features and how to use these features deliberately.
COD 316 Narrative Structures                                                                                                                         (3-0) (3 ECTS)
The course addresses narrative techniques and structures in narrative arts, including cinema and video games. Through critical analysis and interpretation, students apply storytelling techniques to various multimedia forms, fostering a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling. Topics covered include plot development, character arcs, pacing, visual storytelling, and the application of narrative structures in multimedia storytelling. Students analyze and create compelling narratives in diverse narrative arts context.
COD 317 Introduction to Interactive Programming                                                                                    (3-0) (3 ECTS)
In this course, game projects in various genres are created using the C++ language. The scope of these projects is to convert game design and game mechanic design into game software product. During this transformation, the visual elements to be used in the game and the characters to be controlled are especially emphasized.

COD 318 Interactive Programming                                                                                                                (3-0) (3 ECTS)
The course covers further knowledge in C++ programming which guides the student to develop a comprehensive computer game with advanced and technological capabilities. Within this scope, course guides students to utilize classes and actors in Unreal Engine via advanced topics such as AI and shader programming, functionality logging and memory management. 
COD 319 Spatial Communication                                                                                                                    (3-0) (3 ECTS)
The aim of this course is to present the concept of spatial communication and the role of interaction design and multimedia on the relationship between the user and the space and the user and the product. The course aims to convey the knowledge of spatial design, the relationship between the use of media and ergonomics, the relationship between human-space-light and material as well as public space and collective conscious by experiencing design through virtual and physical installations in varying scales. With the knowledge and experience gained by this course, the students will be able to work together with the rest of the team like architects and industrial designers for integrated works of art and design.
COD 320 3D Modelling                                                                                                                                       (3-0) (3 ECTS)
This course covers a basic introduction to 3D modelling techniques and applications. Students create virtual models of objects throughout the course using 3D modelling software. Additionally, the course covers related topics such as modeling techniques, surface properties, lighting, and animation. Throughout the course, the usage and interface of 3D modeling software are explored, focusing on fundamental geometric elements, surface characteristics, and material properties, addressing the design of objects, adjustment of model structures, detailing and arrangement, as well as realistic visualization through the utilization of lighting techniques and material properties.
COD 321 Image Production, Reality and Ethics                                                                                            (3-0) (3 ECTS)
This course addresses image production and ethics in visual arts. Through critical analysis and interpretation, students apply visual analysis to various mediums. The course covers topics such as image production and gaze, moving image production and ethics and the challenges and responsibilities of visual production which provide students with the skills to analyze visual content critically by making use of theories by Michel Foucault, Susan Sontag, Sine Plambech, Donna Haraway and Judith Butler.
COD 322 Role Playing for Design                                                                                                                    (3-0) (3 ECTS)
Drama based exercising techniques have recently been used for idea generation and user centred design. The aim of this course is not only to teach several existing techniques but also the basics of developing such exercises for specific needs. The students are expected to gain deep understanding of the advantages of role-playing and the ability to create different drama based techniques for various design problems.
COD 323 Fundamentals of Audio Texture                                                                                                    (3-0) (3 ECTS)
This course is designed as an introductory-level course for undergraduate design students who want to develop their knowledge and skills in sound design. It covers various topics related to sound production, including the basic principles of sound, the history of sound design, and the technical aspects of sound recording and editing using digital audio workstations (DAWs). Students study sound synthesis, sound production, sound recording, MIDI, soundscapes, sound effects, and sound design for various media, such as films, games, and interactive applications. The course is delivered through lectures, hands-on exercises, and projects, allowing students to apply their knowledge in practical settings.

COD 324 Mobile Interaction Design                                                                                                                     (3-0) (3 ECTS)   
This course focuses on how to approach interaction design, better understand how people think, and make better interaction decisions. We will ask questions, discuss design principles, and show how to create more effective and more considerate interfaces and devises.  We will discuss interactivity from multiple perspective to help us better understand how people think and act so our designs truly work well and meet their needs.

COD 325 Virtual Reality and Immersive Design                                                                                                (3-0) (3 ECTS)

With technology giants competing to provide the next big VR breakthrough VR is quickly becoming a huge area of technology. It is becoming increasingly crucial for designers to know how to create VR experiences. Forming immersive experiences questions how well we are equipped to tackle this emerging field and requires new ways of thinking about design. This interdisciplinary course makes it possible for students to gain skills regarding VR through topics such as hardware and software required to create VR environments, analyzing good examples of VR applications, principles of interaction regarding immersive design, game engines and its work flow, navigation in virtual environments and manipulation of virtual objects.                                                                                                                                                        

COD 412 Sound Projects and Media                                                                                                                 (1-2) 3 ECTS
This course is designed for undergraduate-level design students interested in using sound as a creative and expressive medium for media. The course covers the history of sound, digital audio workstations, experimental sound production techniques, audio mixing and mastering essentials, contemporary sound artists, live coding environments for audio, listening modes, soundscapes, acousmatic music and sound, acoustic ecology, sound art, interactive sound projects, diegetic, non-diegetic, and internal diegetic sounds, Sonic Pi, MAX, MSP, JITTER, Reaper DAW, sound sampling, granular sound, and sound sculptures. The course consists of lectures, workshops, and projects designed to encourage students to explore and experiment with different approaches to sound design.

COD 413 Post Production Techniques                                                                                                            (1-2) 3 ECTS

This course addresses the final stage of visual media product creation by focusing on the various stages of post production, such as image and sound processing, music selection, and material arrangement. The course also covers the tools and techniques used in post production needed for impressive results for different visual media products. Through different projects, students work on different post production techniques and develop their communication skills.                                                                                                                                                             

COD 414 Semiology and Visual Culture                                                                                                        (3-0) 3 ECTS
This course aims to provide students with the ability of developing concepts and transferring them into visual language that are to represent the ideas and themes derived from the analysis of different media consisting of moving to static, or textual to visual messages such as movies, novels, advertisements or slogans.

COD 415 User-Centered Design for Interactive Systems                                                                             (3-0) 3 ECTS
This course focuses on the basic concepts and actions that emerge during the development of interactive systems. In line with this purpose, this course is structured on understanding and defining the concept of use, determining user needs, producing design solutions and evaluating design based on needs. The scope of the course includes determining content, explaining the selected methods and selecting appropriate user testing methods and techniques to provide feedback on content use. At the end of the course, students will gain practical experience with the key methods required to implement user-centered design and will have sufficient knowledge on how to select appropriate limited methods in the context of limited resources.

COD 416 Art Direction                                                                                                                            (3-0) 3 ECTS
This course includes designing comprehensive advertising campaigns to promote a product, service or idea in order to provide students with knowledge and experience in art direction. Students will gain knowledge on research and strategy development.
COD 417 Game Design                                                                                                                                     (1-2) (3 ECTS)
This course examines popular games such as Super Mario or Angry Birds, and different genres of video games such as car racing or tower defense, covers the steps to build them, and allows students to develop a free-themed game of their choice to experience video game design. In the classes, students examine popular game genres, research game mechanics, and analyze game designs to develop similar games. Students also participate in group projects and game jams to enhance their skills and collaborate with their peers.

COD 418 Social Media Studies                                                                                                                        (3-0) (3 ECTS)
Starting with an overview of social media, this course looks at the history and principles that are driving online communications. The students explore the definition of online community and engagement and learn to identify key stakeholders and how they engage with their community model. Develop your knowledge of the range of social media channels and tools and how content is shared. Learn the fundamental steps in building a social media campaign while managing risk and overall organizational concerns. Finally, evaluate the opportunities that social media brings and how different organizations and communities might use social media to meet their goals.
COD 419 Theories on Multimedia                                                                                                                  (3-0) (3 ECTS)
The aim of this course is to present necessary knowledge concerning the basic definitions and concepts of design related with multimedia technologies and culture. The content of the course is based on the history and modern concepts of the computer technology and culture. The students are expected to develop the historical and conceptual background about the digital technology and culture and the digital media design.
COD 420 Movements in Cinema                                                                                                                     (3-0) (3 ECTS)
This course gives an overview of the principal movements in cinema. In the course, the notion of film movement and some of the influential cinema movements are addressed by defining their period of production, aesthetic features, narrative structures, and topics of interest. Different approaches to filmmaking are analyzed and compared within a range of aesthetical, political, and structural contexts.

COD 421 3D Animation                                                                                                                                      (3-0) (3 ECTS)

In this course, the theoretical and practical dynamics of computer 3D modelling and fundamentals of digital modelling and animation are studied with the help of hands-on exercises and assignments. These basic computer skills are exercised in Maya software platform.                                                                                                                                                         

COD 423 Trend Research for Design and Innovation                                                                                       (3-0) (3 ECTS)

Trend research analyses changes and trends in all areas of society, under which design and innovation trends play a crucial role in terms of communication design. Topics include: the anatomy of a trend; trend research applied to design and innovation; trend taxonomies; global trends; mega, macro and micro trends; fads and non-trends; future trends; trends and demographics: the generational theory; research design for trend research; resources used in trend research; applied trend research.