Web Site: https://ailabs.ozyegin.edu.tr
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Erhan Öztop, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Reyhan Aydoğan
It is a common laboratory where Computer Engineering faculty members are conducting research in Artificial Intelligence field and allowing students to apply what they have learned in elective courses in this subject. Interactive Intelligent Systems, Cognitive Robotics, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing ve Financial Artificial Intelligence labs operate under AI @ OZU. These research laboratories aim to develop all kinds of cognitive systems, intelligent software and hardware that will make our daily life easier and increase our productivity and to develop the theoretical models and innovative approaches required for them.
Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

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Research Laboratories
Research Laboratories
Research Laboratories
Faculty of Engineering Research Laboratories
AI@OZU - Artificial Intelligence Labotarories
Biomech - Biomechatronics Laboratory
Web Site: https://biomech.ozyegin.edu.tr
Faculty Member: Doç. Dr. Barkan Uğurlu
The Biomechatronics Laboratory aims to improve the quality of human life by integrating robotic companions into dynamic human environments. Our research philosophy focuses on synthesizing a viable human-robot symbiosis to assist humans in a safe and reliable manner. Human-robot symbiosis may take the form of exoskeleton-supported walking aid or quadruped-supported surveillance; the common ground in these applications is the symbiotic human-robot coupling for enhanced quality of life. -
CAST - Computer Architectures and System Technologies Research Lab
Web Site: https://labs.ozyegin.edu.tr/cast/
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İsmail Aktürk
Computer Architecture and System Technologies (CAST) Lab focuses on energy-efficient computer architectures and emerging computing computing paradigms (including but not limited to neuromorphic computing). The investigations broadly cover computing systems, including software/hardware interactions, and how emerging technologies, parallel programming models, and applications shape the future generation computing systems, particularly from the energy efficiency and performance point of views. -
CCRG - Cloud Computing Research Group Laboratories
Web Site: https://faculty.ozyegin.edu.tr/ismailari/
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İsmail Arı
CCRG lab is actively pursuing R&D efforts in cloud computing, big data and machine learning fields. PhD and Master students develop and improve their skills in data engineering, smart algorithms, distributed systems design, and performance analysis using cloud resources. Research studies in CCRG have been sponsored to date by big industrial partners and governmental funding agencies including European Union, TUBITAK, IBM, TUPRAS and Turkish Telecom. -
CT&T - Communication Theory and Technologies
Web Site: https://labs.ozyegin.edu.tr/ctt/
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Murat Uysal
The research is carried out on physical layer design, analysis, and implementation of wireless communication systems. The primary research areas of this laboratory, which involves a wide range of areas including acoustic, optical, and radio frequencies, are; channel coding, channel estimation and equalization; diversity techniques; multi-carrier communications; multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications; cooperative (relay supported) communication; wireless communication technologies for 6G and beyond; optical wireless communication, visible light communication, infrared light communication. -
QOPTICS - Quantum Optics Group Laboratories
Web Site: http://labs.ozyegin.edu.tr/qoptics/
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Kadir Durak
Entanglement tests with photon pairs, sources of entangled photon pairs, quantum cryptography, single photon technologies are the research subjects of this laboratory. -
nEMESysLab - Embedded and Microelectronic Systems Laboratory
Web Site: http://www.ugurdag.com
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Fatih Uğurdağ
Robotics Laboratory
Web Site: https://robotics.ozyegin.edu.tr
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Erhan Öztop, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Özkan Bebek
Robotics Laboratory stands as a hub of innovation, showcasing cutting-edge research by distinguished faculty and ambitious engineering students. Led by faculty members Prof. Erhan Öztop and Assist. Prof. Özkan Bebek, the laboratory leads TUBITAK and European Union funded research projects, with a primary focus on machine learning, medical robotics, and exoskeletons. The diverse fields of engagement within the laboratory include Medical Robotics, exploring advancements such as Robotic-Assisted Beating Heart Surgery and a Robotic System for Small Animal Biopsies. In the realm of Control Topics, the focus extends to Heart Motion Prediction and Motion detection for efficient lighting systems. Cognitive Robotics encompasses Developmental Robotics, Cognitive Intelligent Robotics, and Computational Modeling of Brain functions. Meanwhile, Humanoid Robotics delves into Human-robot Co-adaption, Shared Control, Human-in-the-loop Robot Learning, Balance Control, Exo-skeleton Development, and Dexterous Manipulation. The laboratory's scope further extends to Mobile Smart Machines, involving research in Autonomous Flight and Autonomous Traversal. Through these multifaceted endeavors, the Robotics Laboratory remains a dynamic space for comprehensive exploration in the field of robotics. -
SRL - Software Research Laboratory
Web Site: https://srl.ozyegin.edu.tr
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Hasan Sözer
Speech and Natural Language Processing Laboratory
Web Site: -
Faculty Member: Doç. Dr. Cenk Demiroğlu
Vibrations and Acoustics Laboratory
Web Site: https://val.ozyegin.edu.tr/en
Faculty Member: Doç. Dr. Polat Şendur
OZU Vibrations and Acoustics Laboratory is a state of the art teaching/research facility involved in theoretical, numerical and experimental analysis of engineering systems. The major mission of the laboratory is: 1) to conduct fundamental and applied research in vibrations and acoustics, 2) to support the challenging industry projects and provide technology transfer to industry, and to promote undergraduate/graduate education in vibrations and acoustics and prepare students to industry and academia for their future careers. The laboratory contains various simulation (FEM and MBD software) and testing tools (modal testing suite) to address challenging research problem in the area of vibration, acoustics and multi-body dynamics. -
OzU Fluid Dynamics and Spray Laboratory
Web Site: https://adsl.ozyegin.edu.tr/
Faculty Member: Doç. Dr. Özgür Ertunç
CORAL - Computational MateRials ReseArch Lab
Web Site: https://labs.ozyegin.edu.tr/coral/
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Hande Öztürk, Doç. Dr. İlknur Eruçar
Our research group, CORAL aims to understand the properties of materials using atomically-detailed calculations and X-ray diffraction simulations. We are developing computational approaches to provide atomistic insights for unraveling the mechanisms of molecular interactions for several industrial applications including energy, biomedicine, micromechanical testing. -
Multiple Robot Intelligence and Perception Laboratory
Web Site: -
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sedat Özer
Multiple Robot Intelligence and Perception Laboratory focuses on research in improving the deep learning and computer vision fields, where the specific interests are in the applications of autonomous systems. Autonomous systems (the systems that can drive themselves both on land and in the air) determine their status and location relative to other autonomous systems and draw a (safe) route for themselves accordingly. For this type of scenario to work properly and safely, our Laboratory works on current problems that need to be solved now or in the future. -
ConTech - Advanced CONstruction TECHnology Laboratory
Web Site: -
Faculty Member: Doç. Dr. Zeynep Başaran Bundur
Con-Tech Laboratory aims to perform cutting-edge research on building materials and transfer technology and knowledge. ConTech laboratory welcomes global and local researchers and companies for further development of game-changing construction. ConTech laboratory is well-equipped to perform key research and development on the material science of concrete, including innovative advanced concrete technologies with sustainable solutions. Primarily, this lab proposes high-end research studies in developing sustainable design, digital tools and 3D-printing of building materials, bio-based building systems, and their use in the field. -
M2M - Micro to Macro Physical Soil Modelling Laboratory
Web Site: -
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Feyza Çinicioğlu
In this laboratory, physical modeling is used to study the behavior of large and complex geo-structure prototypes. In these tests, similarity is sought in the reduced size model in the context of the scaling laws but maintaining the same physical characteristics to assess the soil-structure interaction phenomenon under static and dynamic loading conditions. At this stage, in the context of the ongoing research, the physical modeling conducted in the laboratory is about the behavior of highway and railroad embankments constructed over soft soils and supported by piles under the action of static loads from the embankment and dynamic loads from the train passes or highway traffic. Soil arching evolution and demolition under varying static and dynamic stress conditions are observed by image processing. All deformations and stresses are synchronously recorded by an instrumentation system mounted on the model. This laboratory is intended to home many similar projects in the coming months and years. -
OzU Machine Learning in Finance and Bioinformatics
Web Site: https://ozu-mlfinbio-lab.github.io/
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Emre Sefer
OzU Machine Learning in Finance and Bioinformatics Lab focuses on developing Machine Learning and Deep Learning methods for problems within Finance and Bioinformatics. We are especially interested in graph and time-series based modeling. -
Interactive Intelligent Systems Lab
Web Site: https://intelisys.ozyegin.edu.tr/
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Reyhan Aydoğan
Interactive Intelligent Systems Lab pursues outstanding research involving modeling, developing, and analyzing agent technology that interacts with human partners effectively and integrates different aspects of intelligence, such as reasoning, decision-making, and learning. We are particularly interested in supporting human decision-makers in complex and dynamic environments. Our mission is to establish fruitful collaboration between agents and humans. The addressed problems vary from daily-life negotiations to path-finding problems. Our group employs different AI techniques such as Reinforcement Learning, Utility Theory, Deep Learning, Explainable AI, Conflict Resolution approaches, and so on. -
DEEP-VIP - Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory
Web Site: https://labs.ozyegin.edu.tr/deep-vip/
Faculty Member: Prof.Dr. Hasan F. Ateş
In the Deep-VIP laboratory, deep learning is applied to solve a wide range of problems in computer vision and image/video processing. The laboratory conducts projects based on both academic research and industry collaboration. Project efforts aim to provide the most up-to-date technological solutions to diverse sectors such as defense industry, telecommunications, medicine, retail, and consumer electronics. -
HCD - Human-Centered Design Laboratory
Web Site: https://hcd.ozyegin.edu.tr/
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ramazan Ünal
In Human-centered Design Lab., our core research focuses on the design and development of prostheses and exoskeletons. Our current research themes are summarized as:
Theme 1: Robotic Prosthetics - Lower Extremity
Theme 2: Robotic Prosthetics - Upper Extremity
Theme 3: Robotic Test Platform for Prosthetics & Exoskeletons
Theme 4: Exoskeletons for Lower Limb Assistance
Theme 5: BalanSens - Robotic Balance Rehabilitation Platform -
MEMFIS - Mechanics and Manufacturing of Functional and Structural Materials Research Laboratory
Web Site: https://faculty.ozyegin.edu.tr/ggyapici/
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Güney Güven Yapıcı
In this laboratory, novel materials with enhanced mechanical and physical properties are developed. For this aim, design specific advanced microstructures are engineered through a holistic approach fueled by state of the art manufacturing processes, characterization techniques and multi-scale modeling tools. -
Medical and Biological Physics Laboratory
Web Site: -
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Burçin Ünlü, Dr. Natali Sözüdoğru, Dr. Seydi Yavaş, Dr. Defne Yılmaz
In the Medical and Biological Physics Laboratory led by Prof. Dr. Burçin Ünlü, disease modeling, imaging, and diagnosis studies are carried out using photoacoustic imaging, optical tomography, and ultrasound techniques. The focus has been specifically on developing new imaging systems for the early diagnosis of prostate and breast cancer. In addition, the structural properties of biological tissues and cells have been examined using techniques such as acoustic microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, and cell manipulation studies have been performed using laser beams and optical tweezers. Computational methods such as computer modeling, Monte Carlo simulations, and signal processing algorithms are also extensively used in the laboratory. -
Networked and Autonomous Systems Lab
Web Site: https://labs.ozyegin.edu.tr/nas/
HumOper - Humanitarian Operations Research Laboratory
Web Site: https://labs.ozyegin.edu.tr/humoper/
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Elvin Çoban Göktürk
HumOper Lab at Ozyegın University is a research laboratory that aims at developing novel methods, techniques, and tools to design, analyze and improve strategic, tactical and operational humanitarian operations. -
VGL - Vision and Graphics Lab
Web Site: https://ozu-vgl.github.io
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mustafa Furkan Kıraç
The Vision and Graphics Lab at Özyeğin University focuses on advanced algorithms in computer vision and graphics. Their research areas include Image Processing and Manipulation, Computational Photography, and Computer Graphics, particularly in 3D vision. They work on enhancing, analyzing, and manipulating digital images, blending computer science with photography, and creating 3D visual representations. The lab has recently presented papers at notable conferences and has received awards in the fields of style transfer, domain generalization, and deep learning. -
OzUHPC - Özyegin University High Performance Computing Center
Web Site: -
Faculty Member: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Altuğ M. Başol
This center provides the computing infrastructure for computational research. The computer system within the center has a heterogeneous structure consisting of graphics accelerators and multi-core processors. The computer system is open to the use of professors, and to their research students. -
EVATEG Energy Technologies Laboratory
Web Site: https://evateg.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arık
EVATEG Center aims to develop and demonstrate advanced thermal management technologies, especially for defense, electronics, medical, lighting and industrial electronics. It has developed different cooling and heating technologies with more than 12 patents to date. In the laboratory, microscopic IR camera, high-speed camera, and nano-precision deflection measurements can be performed. Advanced numerical modeling and experimental validation studies are among the group's main expertise. Among urrent projects boiling, condensation, synthetic jets, LEDs, Air cooling and liquid cooling of electronics can be listed. -
EVATEG Photonics and Lighting Technologies Laboratory
Web Site: https://evateg.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arık
EVATEG PhotonLightTechLab particularly focuses on optical technologies. Optical measurements from chip level to system level can be made with goniometer and sphere measurements. Advanced numerical modeling and experimental validation studies are among the main specialties of the group. Currrent projects include understanding the impact of lighting on human, animals and horticulture as well photonics chip fundamentals. -
EVATEG Electronics Packaging Laboratory
Web Site: https://evateg.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr
Faculty Member: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arık
EVATEG ElecPackLab studies packaging in electronic systems. It aims to investigate optimum packaging and package defects at both PCB and chip scales. Advanced numerical modeling and experimental validation studies are among the group's main expertise.
AI@OZU - Artificial Intelligence Labotarories
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