Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Emergency Response Teams
Emergency Response Teams
Emergency Response Teams
Fire-Fighting Team
The members of the Fire-Fighting Team are specified in the ERP-02 Fire-Fighting Team Contact Details List. The roles and responsibilities of the Fire-Fighting Team are as follows:
- Makes sure the fire cabinet and fire extinguishers are not blocked in any way and are easily reachable and accessible at all times,
- Checks the fire cabinet and fire extinguishers,
- Undertakes the first response to small fires using the available fire-fighting materials and equipment, and fire extinguishers at the scene of the fire in the best way and at the best time possible,
- If the fire started in a room with closed doors and windows, breaks the doors and windows to get inside and starts putting out the fire,
- In case of big fires, establishes and maintains a safe corridor for the fire brigade truck to pass through.
- In a case in which the fire brigade needs to be called (big fires), follows the instructions of the leader of the fire brigade to support the fire brigade team,
- The leader of the Fire-Fighting Team reports to the respective unit head and the HSE Department Head following the fire.
First Aid Team
The members of the First Aid Team are specified in the ERP-03 First-Aid Team Contact Details List. The First Aid Team is established in compliance with effective legislations. The roles and responsibilities of the First-Aid Team are as follows:
- Led by the on-campus physician,
- Prepares first-aid materials for the injured,
- Prepares medication and stretchers to carry the injured,
- Provides first-aid to the injured,
- Assists the paramedics on the scene. If necessary, refers/transfers the patient to the Health Center or hospitals,
- Follows up on the condition of the patient referred/transferred to the Health Center or hospital,
- The leader of the First Aid Team reports to the respective unit head and the HSE Department Head following the emergency.
Rescue Team
The members of the Rescue Team are specified in the ERP-04 Rescue Team Contact Details List. The roles and responsibilities of the Rescue Team are as follows:
- Brings enough emergency kits, sacks, and blankets to the scene of emergency,
- If any, saves the ones alive first,
- If any, saves the injured and the sick, and takes them to the first-aid team,
- In case of an emergency requiring an evacuation, ensures the orderly evacuation of people,
- Keeps the evacuation route clear, and removes any obstruction,
- Once the living are saved and safely evacuated, saves the materials and documents that need to be saved,
- Relocates the documents and items from the scene of fire to a safe zone, starting from the items labelled as “FIRST TO BE SAVED IN CASE OF A FIRE”, and then the items with “RED, BLUE, and GREEN” labels, respectively.
- When saving materials from the fire, starts from the flammable materials nearest to the scene of fire to create a safe corridor,
- Hands over the saved material to the protection team,
- Reports to the respective unit head and the HSE Department Head following the emergency.
Protection Team
The members of the Protection Team are specified in the ERP-05 Protection Team Contact Details List. The roles and responsibilities of the Protection Team are as follows:
- The team is led by the Chief of Security,
- Ensures the internal and external safety of the facility,
- Keeps the evacuated people safe,
- In charge of the order of the muster point,
- The security team positioned at the doors facilitates an easier evacuation through the evacuation doors by preventing people from crowding in front of the doors and keeping people who went out from re-entering.
- Takes all entries and exits to/from the muster point under control in accordance with the instructions of the Crisis Desk Manager,
- Counts the evacuated people and determines the missing persons,
- Ensures the safety of the materials and documents saved from the scene of emergency,
- Reports to the respective unit head and the HSE Department Head following the emergency.
Technical Support Team
The members of the Technical Support Team are specified in the ERP-06 Technical Support Team Contact Details List. The roles and responsibilities of the Technical Support Team are as follows:
- Keeps in charge of all electrical or technical failures which may interrupt the operation of on-campus buildings and systems,
- Shuts down or deactivates all relevant and required systems and equipment in case of an emergency, and/or keeps some of them operating in a safe mode,
- Prepares and provides emergency response teams with the latest versions of all plans and scenarios, when necessary,
- Checks the ease of use of utility services in emergencies in accordance with the instructions of the Crisis Desk during an emergency,
- Resolves electrical, plumbing, and telephone failures, and repairs damaged or malfunctioning machines and devices,
- Keeps machines and equipment used by other teams in good working condition,
- Shuts down systems which may pose risks in case of an emergency, as specified in the Emergency Response Plan and/or pursuant to the instruction of the Crisis Desk,
- Reports to the Operations Department Head and the HSE Department Head following the emergency.
Floor Wardens
Floor Wardens are specified in the ERP-07 Floor Wardens Contact Details List. The roles and responsibilities of Floor Wardens are as follows:
- In case of an emergency requiring an evacuation, ensures the orderly evacuation of people located on the floor/area for which they are responsible,
- Makes sure that everyone on the floor/area is evacuated,
- Guides evacuated people to the designated muster point,
- Ensures the safe evacuation of people with special needs (i.e. people with disabilities, pregnant women) on the floor/area for which they are responsible,
- Collaborates with the Protection Team to count the people at the muster point in order to make sure that everyone under their responsibility is present at the muster point, and to determine the missing persons,
- Floor Wardens report to the HSE Department Head following the emergency.