Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

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Gülsün A.

Gülsün A.

Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law


Bielefeld University


Bielefeld University


Kırıkkale University Faculty of Law

Research Areas

Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law, Economics Criminal Law, Environmental Criminal Law, Medical Criminal Law


Prof. Dr. iur. Gülsün Ayhan AYGÖRMEZ studied at Kırıkkale University Faculty of Law between 1999-2003 and Bielefeld University Faculty of Law, Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program in 2007.
She completed her Ph.D. in 2011 and received the title of Dr. iur. In 2017, she was unanimously awarded the title of Associate Professor of Law after a review of her work by a committee determined by the Inter-University Board and an oral examination held at Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law.
In 2022, she received the title of "Professor" at Istanbul Gedik University Faculty of Law.
Masters thesis topic: “Rechtsfragen der materiellen Voraussetzungen der DNA-Identitätsfeststellung gemäß § 81g I StPO (2007)”; 
Ph.D. thesis topic: “Fahrlässigkeit und Schuld bei erfolgsqualifizierten Delikten, Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchungen zum deutschen und türkischen Strafrecht”; 
The topic of associate professorship thesis: "Crimes Against the Environment, Current Problems in Turkish and German Environmental Criminal Law"; 
The topic of the professorship thesis: "Protection Measures Against Bodily Immunity in Turkish Criminal Procedure Law". 
Since 2004, she has been teaching "Introduction to Turkish Law" and "Comparative Turkish and German Criminal Law" at the Law Faculty of Bielefeld University. 
Prof. Dr. Aygörmez gave lectures on German Environmental Law with its International Dimensions, German Environmental Criminal Law from the Perspective of Turkish Environmental Law and German Economic Criminal Law in the German Language at the University of Kassel in the years 2018, 2020, 2021, 2023. 
Prof. Aygörmez is an honorary member of the German-Turkish Law Academic Study Forum, which was founded by the students of the Law Faculty of Bielefeld University. Since 2010, Prof. Aygörmez has been carrying out joint academic-scientific projects of Turkish and German universities and student-centred studies by regularly organising international student congresses at different universities in Turkey every year and various scientific publications.
In 2018, Prof. Aygörmez became the founding director of the master's programme in criminal justice at the Forensic Sciences and Addiction Institute of Üsküdar University. Later in 2019, at Istanbul Gedik University, Prof. Aygörmez held various positions: Head of the Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law, Head of the Department of Public Law, Vice Dean and finally Dean of the Faculty of Law. She has also been a member of the Board and Director of the Comparative Law Application and Research Centre.
She is currently the Head of the Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law at Özyeğin University Law Faculty.