Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Ph.D. Program in Architecture

Ph.D. Program in Architecture

Click for application.

Online Application Dates:  May 1 - 31, 2024

Online Application Link

Info for PhD Program in Architecture: 

About    PhD in Architecture Catalog 2022-23

  • Ph.D. in Architecture Program aims to train experts and researchers who
  • are able to handle the design, technology, and innovation capabilities in the field of architecture,
  • To undertake comprehensive roles in architectural research and development studies in global and local organizations that are effective in local and national development,
  • have the theoretical equipment required by interdisciplinary studies,
  • can think critically and multidimensionally,
  • are able to grasp the social and cultural dynamics required by innovative, differentiated products and services,
  • can critically interpret architecture with its intellectual and technological connections,
  • will contribute to the knowledge in the current fields in the economic, social, technological, and cultural development of Turkey and the similar countries.

In this context, the aim of the Architecture Doctorate Program is to train academicians and researchers who can conduct research and studies in academic and professional fields. The conditions required for qualified research are provided by the presence of competent academicians in the field, the availability of adequate infrastructure, and the research-development environment of the Faculty of Architecture and Design.

The Vision of Ph.D. Program in Architecture

The vision of Ph.D. Program in Architecture at Özyeğin University is to carry out theoretical, experimental, scientific, and professional research at the international level. In this direction, it is essential to propose and carry out research to produce research-based solutions for architectural problems; to propose and carry out interdisciplinary research in architectural design, architectural history, theory and criticism, conservation, building technology and materials, project and construction management, interior architecture, urban design, and its interdisciplinary areas; to produce research-based solutions for architectural problems; and to train researchers who are able to examine architectural issues from multiple perspectives using approaches, methods, and techniques in these fields.

The Mission of Ph.D. Program in Architecture

With the perspective defined within the scope of the vision, the main goal of Özyeğin University Ph.D. Program is to develop new methods to solve complicated design problems through research and to test and apply studies. It is expected that students who complete the program will be able to develop critical thinking skills through qualitative and quantitative research and to produce original methods for creative problem-solving. Accordingly, it is essential to generate new knowledge through in-depth research in the field of architecture. In order to share knowledge, it is important to make high-quality publications and to protect inventive studies through patents. Within the scope of widespread effect, commercialization opportunities are possible using the knowledge produced through the Ph.D. program within the scope of architectural practice and industry.

The Target Group of Ph.D. Program in Architecture

The Ph.D. Program aims to bring researcher candidates together from architecture and related disciplines in the program so that they can acquire the expected research knowledge and skills in line with the vision and objectives of the program, and that they can reveal their work in a way that contributes to the field, sectors and the economic, technological and cultural development of the country. In line with the aims of the program, candidates who have graduated from related master's programs in the fields of Architecture and Fine Arts, who have sectoral and/or academic experience in these fields, or who aim to conduct interdisciplinary studies in design, technology, theory, history, conservation and share these outcomes in international academic channels are the target groups of the program.

With these qualities, the Ph.D. Program is distinguished from many Ph.D. programs in Turkey and the world. This is assured through the researcher education approach that is developed in the light of social theories using and developing today's technologies, drawing strength from the world-class entrepreneurship and innovation vision of Özyeğin University. The program considers design and architecture, which is a creative social practice, as a cultural-based innovation trigger and element interacting with technological, social, political, and economic factors. It also considers design and technology as one of the constructive elements of the material culture we are in. In this direction, the Architecture Doctorate Program will offer an inclusive and nurturing area of dialogue, will reveal research opportunities with the coming together of the specified areas, and will enable our country and similar countries to progress at a global pace by making it possible to produce original knowledge at an international level. Additionally, the program will, with its holistic education, help researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines- particularly from Architecture, Interior Architecture, Landscape Architecture, City and Regional Planning- to share their academic and scientific knowledge with the world.

In this direction, the Ph.D. Program in Architecture offers an inclusive dialogue field through its interdisciplinary and holistic education (especially through research and development laboratory facilities available within the university), reveals research opportunities, and makes it possible to produce original knowledge of international quality. With the world-class education they receive, our graduates will have the competence to take part in both national and international scientific research and development projects. The content of the Ph.D. Program, where the medium of instruction is English, has been created by international standards. That the research conducted within the scope of the program is supported by national organizations such as TUBITAK, the European Union and different international organizations will increase the standards of the studies. The students will also learn by interacting with colleagues from different cultures and gain an international perspective through doing research in an international setting. Within this context, understanding the interdisciplinary interaction in the field of architecture, gaining an up-to-date and expert knowledge through original thinking and/or research, as well as reaching original results using new/complex ideas are among the main objectives of the program.

The Ph.D. Program in Architecture offers candidates the ability to contribute to the progress of their field by independently producing an original work that brings innovation to the field, developing a new idea, method, design, transforming a known idea, method, design, and/or applying an idea taken from a different field. Graduates of the Ph.D. Program in Architecture, acquire the competence to develop new thoughts and methods related to the field using high-level mental processes such as creative and critical thinking, problem-solving and decision making, to defend their original views in discussing the issues in the field with experts, and to establish an effective communication that demonstrates their competence in the field. In addition, by introducing scientific, technological, social, or cultural advances in the field of architecture, our students can contribute to the process of becoming an information society and maintaining it, establish a functional interaction using strategic decision-making processes in solving the problems encountered in the field of study, gain the ability to contribute to the solution of ethical problems, and support the development of these values.

Study Fields of PhD in Architecture
1.         Architectural Design Research
2.         History, Theory, and Criticism in Architecture
3.         Conservation and Cultural Heritage
4.         Architectural Design Educatıon
5.         Architecture, Culture and Behavior
6.         Typological Studies
7.         Housing Studies
8.         Building Science, Technology and Sustainability Research
9.         Project and Construction Management
10.       Computational Design and Information Technologies
11.       Interior Design
12.       Urban and Spatial Morphology    
13.       City and Architecture
14.       Environmental (Natural, Cultural, Social) Sustainability
15.       Digital Fabrication, and Media Studies
Ph.D. Program in Architecture is held within the Graduate School of Engineering and Science and it is a program that gives the title of Doctor with the accomplishment of Architecture Doctorate Thesis. For graduation, those starting with a master's degree must complete two compulsory courses, six elective courses, a PhD proficiency study, and a doctoral thesis. In order to graduate from the program, a total of 240 ECTS credits must be completed successfully.

For graduation, those starting with an undergraduate degree must complete two compulsory courses, fourteen elective courses, a PhD proficiency study, and a doctoral thesis. In order to graduate from the program, a total of 300 ECTS credits must be completed successfully. Scholarships are awarded, if determined by the program admission commission and approved by the relevant Graduate School Administrative Board.

 Info for PhD Program in Architecture: orhan.hacihasanoglu@ozyegin.edu.tr

Application Requirements

  1. Degrees:
    Applicants must be either graduates of or graduating from an undergraduate program in case of Thesis and Non-Thesis program applications; and an undergraduate or a master's program in case of applications for the PhD program, respectively. Among admitted applicants, those who are expected to graduate must successfully complete their current programs prior to the enrollment date in order to be able to enroll in the university.

    For diplomas awarded by higher education institutions abroad their education and degree must be recognized by YÖK to those awarded by higher education institutions in Turkey. Candidates who apply to master’s degree programs must submit their Bachelor’s Degree recognition letter; candidates who apply to doctorate programs with undergraduate degree must submit their Bachelor’s Degree recognition letter; candidates who apply to doctorate programs with graduate degree must submit their Master’s Degree recognition letter. The Student Services of Ozyegin University will help the admitted candidates who do not have the equivalency letter to obtain the letter.
  2. Graduate Programs Entrance Exam Score Report
    Turkish citizens have to provide one of the following exam scores. Foreign nationals are exempt from submitting an Entrance Exam Score Report.


    Graduate School of Engineering and Science


    Ph.D. Program in Architecture

    Validity Period (From the Date of Registration)
    with a Master Degree with an Undergrad Degreewith a Ph.D. degree
    GMAT500590-5 Years
    GREMin. 153 (quantitative)Min. 159 (quantitative)-5 Years
    ALESMin. 70 (quantitative)Min. 80 (quantitative)-5 Years
    *ALES condition is not required for the applications of the candidates who have obtained the degrees of Doctorate, Proficiency in Medicine and Art. The evaluation of these candidates will be based on 75 points for Architecture Master's (with thesis) and City and Architecture's Master's Program (with thesis), and 55 points for other graduate programs, excluding non-thesis programs.

  3. English Proficiency Exam Score Reports:

    Applicants must submit one of the following score reports provided that they are still valid.

    English Exam

    Graduate School of Engineering and Science


    Ph.D. Program in Architecture

    Validity Period (From the Date of Registration)
    with a Master Degree with an Undergrad Degreewith a Ph.D. degree
    TOEFL-IBT**Min. 66Min. 66Min. 662 Years
    KPDS / ÜDSMin. 55Min. 55Min. 555 Years
    YÖKDİL / e-YDS / YDSMin. 55Min. 55Min. 555 Years

    ** Interuniversity Foreign Language Examination Determination of equivalency of the Directive examination pursuant to Article 6/3.d "If the exam taken in Turkey, the exam place has to be in the state university’s buildings"

  4. Other Conditions


    Graduate School of Engineering and Science

    Ph.D. Program in Architecture*

    with a Master Degree

    with an Undergrad Degree

    with a Ph.D. degree



    Min. 3/4 Bachelor degree GPA


    Accepted Graduates of Undergraduate Programs

    --Any Field

    *Candidates who meet the above-mentioned conditions must also be successful in the oral interview.

Application Documents

All documents must be prepared in Turkish or English. If prepared in other languages, notarized copies in Turkish or English must also be attached to the original documents.

  1. Application Form: Application form filled in online completely and accurately.
  2. Diploma: Copy of the diploma awarded by the latest higher education institutions that the applicant is graduated from. For diplomas awarded by higher education institutions abroad, a copy of the recognition letter issued by YÖK's International Equivalency Office is needed.
  3. Transcript: Transcript showing all courses taken and grades achieved in all higher education institutions the applicant has so far attended to or graduated from. If the transcripts do not include any information about the grading system, separate documents must be provided for the grading system of the relevant institutions.
  4. Graduate Programs Entrance Exam Score Report: One of the score reports listed (ALES, GRE) in the application requirements.
  5. English Proficiency Examination Score Certificate: One of the documents listed (TOEFL, YDS, KPDS, ÜDS) in the application requirements.
  6. Letter of Recommendation: Two letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation must be obtained from the applicant’s instructors and/or previous/current employer. Letters of recommendations obtained from family and friends are not acceptable.
  7. Letter of Intent: Essays written in English about personal or professional goals in subjects provided by the Graduate School.
  8. Supplementary Documents for International Students: Copy of the information page of the passport.
  9. Additional Information: The applicant can provide additional information, if any, about the special circumstances in his/her academic background or professional career to support his/her application.

Application, Evaluation and Admissions

The university may request applicants to prove the accuracy of information and documents submitted during the application or the university may directly search the accuracy of such information and documents. Should it be determined that there are inconsistencies in information and documents provided by prospective students, such students are denied admission even if they were previously admitted, and their enrollments are revoked, even if previously completed.

Application documents are kept by the university and under no circumstances are returned to applicants, regardless of the result of evaluation.

As a result of preliminary evaluations conducted on the application information and documents, prospective students may be invited for a written examination or an interview. Failure to attend the interview or examination will disqualify the applicant from further consideration.

Applications are evaluated by an admission jury. Recommendations of the admission jury regarding the admission of applicants are concluded upon the resolution of the relevant Graduate School Executive Board.

If deems necessary, the Graduate School Executive Board may subject some of the admitted students to the Scientific Preparatory Program for one or two semesters to fully prepare them for their graduate programs. The resolution of the Graduate School Executive Board lists all courses that must be taken by the applicant.

The scope, application requirements and quotas of scholarships granted to admitted students are determined by the Board of Trustees for each academic year. Scholarships are awarded upon the resolution of the relevant Graduate School Executive Board and the approval of the Rector.

The foreign students must get the annotated student visa which is obtained from Consulate Branches of Turkish Embassies or Consulate General located in their country or nearby, in order to make entry to Turkey. Students should apply for the visa with the Consulate Notification Letter, which is sent by the institute with the acceptance letter. For detailed information please click here.

Our university will complete the necessary procedures for obtaining the degree equivalency for international prospective students who do not have a Recognition Letter. which is obtainable from the Higher Education Council(YÖK). Such students are conditionally admitted and are enrolled as special students until their degrees are recognized by the relevant authorities. Students whose applications for diploma recognition is accepted by the Higher Education Council become regular graduate students.

Foreign students who are graduated from a For diplomas awarded by higher education institutions abroad, copy of recognition letter issued by YÖK's International Equivalency Office is needed.

You can review the Özyeğin University Directives on Graduate Program Admissions to learn more about the application, admission and enrollment processes.

Ph.D. Program in Architecture / Curriculum / Conditions for Graduation

For graduation, those starting with a master's degree must complete two compulsory courses, six elective courses, a PhD proficiency study, and a doctoral thesis. It is graduated with a total of 240 ECTS credits. For graduation, those starting with a bachelor's degree must complete two compulsory courses, fourteen elective courses, a PhD proficiency study, and a doctoral thesis. In order to graduate from the program, a total of 300 ECTS credits must be completed successfully.

Course Plan for the Candidates Starting Ph.D. Program in Architecture with a Master Diploma

With Master Degree
First Year
First Term/FallSecond Term/Spring
Course CodeCourse NameECTSCourse CodeCourse NameıECTS
ARCH 601*Research and Ethics7,5 Elective 47,5
 Elective 17,5 Elective 57,5
 Elective 27,5 Elective 67,5
 Elective 37,5ARCH 690Research Seminar7,5
Second Year
Third Term/FallFourth Term/Spring
Course CodeCourse NameECTSCourse CodeCourse NameıECTS
ARCH 900*PhD Proficiency Study30ARCH 901*PhD Thesis Proposal30
Third Year
Fifth Term/FallSixth Term/Spring
Course CodeCourse NameECTSCourse CodeCourse NameıECTS
ARCH 902*PhD Thesis Study I30ARCH 903*PhD Thesis Study II30
Fourth Year
Seventh Term/FallEighth Term/Spring
Course CodeCourse NameECTSCourse CodeCourse NameıECTS
ARCH 904*PhD Thesis Study III30ARCH 905*PhD Dissertation Study30
Ph.D. Program in Architecture with a Master Diploma TOTAL ECTS: 240

Course Plan for the Candidates Starting Ph.D. Program in Architecture with an Undergraduate Diploma

With Undergraduate degree
First Year
First Year
First Term/FallSecond Term/Spring
Course CodeCourse NameECTSCourse CodeCourse NameıECTS
ARCH 601*Research and Ethics7,5 Elective 47,5
 Elective 17,5 Elective 57,5
 Elective 27,5 Elective 67,5
 Elective 37,5ARCH 690Research Seminar7,5
Second Year
Third Term/FallFourth Term/Spring
Course CodeCourse NameECTSCourse CodeCourse NameıECTS
 Elective 77,5 Elective 117,5
 Elective 87,5 Elective 127,5
 Elective 97,5 Elective 137,5
 Elective 107,5 Elective 147,5
Third Year
Fifth Term/FallSixth Term/Spring
Course CodeCourse NameECTSCourse CodeCourse NameıECTS
ARCH 900*PhD Profiency Study30ARCH 901*PhD Thesis Proposal30
Fourth Year
Seventh Term/FallEighth Term/Spring
Course CodeCourse NameECTSCourse CodeCourse NameıECTS
ARCH 902*PhD Thesis Study I30ARCH 903*PhD Thesis Study II30
Fifth Year
Ninth Term/FallTenth Term/Spring
Course CodeCourse NameECTSCourse CodeCourse NameıECTS
ARCH 904*PhD Thesis Study III30ARCH 905*PhD Dissertation Study30
Ph.D. Program in Architecture with an Undergraduate Diploma TOTAL ECTS: 300 ECTS

* Marked courses are required.

Courses in PhD Program in Architecture

Compulsory Courses

  • ARCH 601 Research and Ethics
  • ARCH 690 Research Seminar
  • ARCH 900 PhD Proficiency Study (Regulation for Qualification Exam)
  • ARCH 901 PhD Thesis Proposal
  • ARCH 902 PhD Thesis Study I
  • ARCH 903 PhD Thesis Study II
  • ARCH 904 PhD Thesis Study III
  • ARCH 905 PhD Dissertation Study

Elective Courses

  • ARCH 610 Research on Urban Form
  • ARCH 611 Advanced research on Urban Form
  • ARCH 612 Architectural Design and Behavior
  • ARCH 613 Urban Green Infrastructure
  • ARCH 614 Organizational Behavior in Construction
  • ARCH 615 Building Occupant Interaction and Energy Efficiency
  • ARCH 616 Computational Design Models and Performance
  • ARCH 617 Meanings of Home: The People, Place and Space
  • ARCH 618 Climate Change and Energy Consumption of Buildings
