Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
1.In which fields may I submit a business idea or project?
Applications are invited from students with business ideas or projects pertaining to on-campus services that contribute to the University’s general operation. Proposed business ideas or projects must be in compliance with the YÖK and University legislations, and the generally accepted code of ethics. However, the selection process does not include food businesses, and therefore, applications from food businesses are not considered.
2.How will the committee choose the winner, if there are multiple applicants with the same business idea or project? What will be their selection criteria?
The Selection Committee will decide on the winner based on the eligibility and sustainability of the project or the business plan, as well as the competency and capacity of the entrepreneur.
3.Do I need to establish a company first in order to serve as a student business?
Student businesses must be either a limited or unlimited business in order to be eligible to operate on campus.
4.Can I launch an on-campus student business under an existing company?
The company must be owned by the student entrepreneur. If the student previously started a company under which s/he wishes to launch his/her on-campus business, then the decision is made based on the company’s partnership structure and whether the company has any outstanding tax or Social Security payments.
5.How should the partnership structure be?
If the business is incorporated as a stock corporation, then the student must have 55% of the shares, and must be the sole representative.
6.Will I cover the cost of all my investments?
The University may provide consultancy support based on your line of business after analyzing the infrastructure required for the business. However, excluding the infrastructure, all the investments must be covered by the entrepreneur.
7.What is the maximum period operation for a student business?
The maximum period of operation for a student business is the student entrepreneur’s maximum period of study including the semesters spent in the preparatory program. In an event where the student’s maximum period of study is extended, the committee will decide whether or not the maximum period of operation will also be extended, based on the last year’s performance.
8.How is the maximum period of operation determined for a student business incorporated by multiple students in different years?
In such a case, the maximum period of study is the period of undergraduate study of the student in the lowest year. Furthermore, the student in the lowest year must have 55% of the shares.
9.Who can help me with my financial and legal obligations when starting a student business?
Our Law faculty and/or the Department of Law will provide the necessary guidance.
10.Who can support me in preparing an accurate business plan for my student business?
The Center for Entrepreneurship provides support to the applicants for business plan development. For your questions and to make an appointment, please contact us via email at: girisimcilik@ozyegin.edu.tr.
11.If I take over an existing business by tender, can I use their machines and equipment?
The right to the use of machines and equipment must be discussed and concluded by both businesses (old and new). The University will not be part of these discussions.
12.Can an existing student business enter into partnership with a new student business?
No. The purpose of founding a student business is to equip as many students as possible with practical experience.
13.Should I realize that I cannot manage the business I have taken over, can I forgo it?
Yes. However, in order to avoid any interruptions in the services, at least 3 months’ notice must be given to the University. The University reserves the right to claim for all damages and losses, in the event a business is closed down without giving due notice.
14.How will the new entrepreneur be determined if an entrepreneur forgoes the business he previously took over?
As described in the procedure, the business will be offered to the reserve candidates. If the reserve candidates reject the offer, a new tender will be launched to select a new student entrepreneur, or alternatively, new business ideas and projects will be considered.
15.What happens if a student business contract expires but no student applies for the tender launched to find a new student entrepreneur?
The University’s purchasing unit will initiate the process to find a new supplier either by collecting bids or launching a tender.
16.Can I preclude the University from using the new business idea or project that I developed for my on-campus student business after my contract expires?
No. If deemed necessary, the same on-campus service or business will be maintained through new entrepreneurs. After the student business contract terminates, the University and the Student will sign an agreement for the transfer of the rights pertaining to any intellectual property, licenses, patents, trademarks and the like, developed for or during the operation of the on-campus business.
17.Can a student entrepreneur who previously managed an on-campus student business before apply again with a new business idea in a different line of business?
No. The purpose of founding a student business is to equip as many students as possible with practical experience.
18.Can foreign students apply to start an on-campus business?
Yes, they can, provided they meet the requirements stipulated in the Turkish Commercial Code for starting an ordinary or unlimited company.