Özyeğin Üniversitesi, Çekmeköy Kampüsü Nişantepe Mahallesi Orman Sokak 34794 Çekmeköy İstanbul
Telefon : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

2024-25 Erasmus+ Öğrenim Hareketliliği Başvuruları
Application Call for Erasmus+ Study Mobility
Applications for the 2024-25 Erasmus+ study mobility will start on 6 February and end on 20 February 2024, 13:00. The applications for the Erasmus+ study mobility must be submitted in two steps: 1) TURNA Portal and 2) KION system. Please be informed that you must submit both application forms before the deadline. Late applications will not be considered. Please note that it is not possible to make any changes to your application form (change of semester/institution, etc.) after the given deadline, so please read the details below and complete your application accurately. Detailed application instructions are available for both application platforms below.
General Information
Erasmus+ program information, presentation slides, partner institutions list, and important information can be found below. Please note that agreements/quotas are subject to change, and the final list of institutions will be available in the online systems during the application period.
All applicants are responsible for attending one of the online information sessions and reviewing the information provided in the links below:
- Erasmus+ Study Mobility General Information
- Presentation
- List of partner institutions (the institutions can be updated until the application period starts. Please clear your browsing data to review the updated list.)
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Study Mobility (Turkish|English version)
- Feedback from the former exchange students
Application Requirements / Eligibility Criteria
- Being a full-time student at OzU,
- Minimum 2.20/4.00 CGPA for undergraduate students,
- Minimum 3.00/4.00 CGPA for graduate students – academic advisor’s approval should be sent to the International Exchange Programs Office (IEPO) by email before the application deadline,
- Getting a minimum 60/100 points from the 2024 Erasmus Language Exam (ELE),
- Having completed a minimum of 24 ECTS credits at the time of the application.
At the time of nomination to the partner institution, applicants must have completed at least 54 ECTS credits in their current programs from which they applied, with a minimum of 30 ECTS credits remaining for graduation.
Please ensure your partner institution selections are identical in both application systems (KION system and TURNA Portal). The preference list in the TURNA Portal will be considered in the case of different institution selections.
Double major students must select one of their programs during the application. It is not possible to apply from the minor program.
The Turkish National Agency reserves the right to make changes to the program rules. In the case of changes, the IEPO will inform all applicants accordingly.
Erasmus Language Exam (ELE)
The Erasmus Language Exam (ELE) 2024 will be held on campus on Saturday, 24 February 2024, at 13:00 physically. The ELE will be administered by the ScOLa, and exam places will be announced after the application deadline. The ELE will include four sections: Reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary (multiple choice questions), and paragraph writing. The ELE scores will be published in mid-March. You may review the sample exam with the answer key here for preparation.
The 2024 ELE result will be valid for 2 years (for 2024 & 2025 application calls). 2023 ELE scores and other standardized language exam scores (IELTS, TOEFL, PTE etc.) will not be considered valid for the application.
There will be a make-up exam on Friday, March 1st, 2024. Students can apply for the make-up exam only if they meet the following requirements:
- Having a health/medical report documenting your health excuse,
- Having a document showing that you have lost your first-degree relative,
- Being assigned to a social, cultural, sports and promotional event to represent the university.
Requests for the make-up exam will be considered by the ScOLa. If your request is accepted, you will receive an invitation. Students whose excuses are considered invalid will be notified.
Evaluation and Ranking Criteria
- Students who meet the application requirements and submit their application before the deadline will be evaluated.
- A ranking score is calculated for all applicants considered for evaluation.
- Students will be ranked within their faculty/school.
- Ranking will be based on the Erasmus score, which is the sum of a base score and a benchmark score.
- The base score is determined by adding up 50% of the Erasmus Language Exam score and 50% of the CGPA on a 100-scale determined by the Higher Education Council.
- The benchmark score is determined based on the current criteria published by the Turkish National Agency. The benchmark score can be positive or negative.
- The preference list in the TURNA Portal will be considered in the case of different institution selections.
Additional Criteria for the Benchmark Score
To qualify for extra points, students must submit the relevant documents at the time of application. Benchmark scores will be applied to the Erasmus score.
(-) Students who have previously participated in the Erasmus+ program at the same study level will have 10 points deducted.
(-) Students who withdrew from the program in the previous years after submitting the commitment form will have 10 points deducted.
(-) Students who wish to participate in the program in their countries of citizenship will have 10 points deducted.
(-) Placed students who did not attend the mandatory orientation sessions before without a valid excuse previously will have 5 points deducted.
(+) Students with disabilities will be given an extra 10 points.1
(+) Students who are the children of Veterans/Martyrs will be given an extra 15 points, 2
(+) Students who themselves or their first-degree relatives receive disaster financial support from AFAD will be given an extra 10 points. Students who apply to both the Study and Traineeship Mobility programs must declare which of their applications they would like the extra 10 points to be applied to. An extra 10 points can only be given to one of the applications chosen by the student in his/her petition.
(+) An extra 10 points will be given to the students who are under protection, care, and shelter by Act No. 2828 Family Social Services or 5395 Child Protection Law if they submit the necessary documents.
1 The student must submit the Disability Health Board Report included in the "Regulation on Disability Assessment for Adults" published in the Official Gazette dated 20 February 2019 and numbered 30692.
2 In addition to the spouses and children of war veterans and war martyrs, when applying for Erasmus+ program, priority is given to the spouses and children of public officials who, “while performing their duties domestically or abroad, or even after the termination of their status, become victims of terrorist acts, get injured, disabled, or killed” as outlined in Article 21 of the Law on the Fight Against Terrorism numbered 3713, dated 12/4/1991. Furthermore, in line with Article 7 of Decree numbered 667 dated 23 July 2016, priority is granted to civilians who became disabled, and the spouses and children of these civilians, as well as the spouses and children of those who lost their lives due to the coup attempt and terrorist acts on 15/07/2016. This rule applies to Turkish citizens only.
Evaluation and Placement Results
- The evaluation and placement results are planned to be announced at the end of March.
- Students are required to confirm their placement results by submitting the Commitment Form via the KION system by Monday, 1 April 2024, 23:59 at the latest; otherwise, they will not be nominated to the partner institutions, and their applications will be canceled automatically.
- Changing the partner institution you are placed in will not be possible, and in the case of different institution selections, the preference list in the TURNA Portal will be considered.
- Objections to results will be collected with a written petition within 3 days from the result announcement date. The objections will be evaluated by the Exchange Programs Commission, and related students will be notified about the outcome as soon as the evaluation is complete.
Additional Placement Round
- Students who are eligible but not placed during the first evaluation period due to the lack of quotas will be waitlisted to be considered for the remaining quotas during the additional placement rounds.
- Waitlisted students will be informed via email by our IEPO.
- During the additional placement rounds, students may have to choose the 2024-25 Spring semester as their exchange semester.
- Students who are placed during the first evaluation period will not be considered for the additional placement rounds and cannot ask for a change in the institution in which they are placed. Therefore, please make the institution selections very carefully.
How to apply
The applications must be submitted in two steps: 1) TURNA Portal and 2) KION system. You must submit both application forms before the deadline.
Application instructions in detail for both application platforms can be found in this Guideline.
Step 1: TURNA Portal
- Login to TURNA Portal with your e-Government (e-devlet) account credentials.
- You should create a brand-new application in the portal.
- FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: International students need to obtain an e-Government password from the PTT post office to log in. Students who have a bank account in Türkiye can use their online banking information to log in as well. There may be technical restrictions on logging in from outside Türkiye in the e-government system. We kindly ask international students accessing the TURNA Portal from abroad to inform our office in advance. They will be provided with a personalized application link for single use only.
- Applicants are responsible to check and complete all sections carefully in the application form. When all mandatory parts are filled in, students should submit and download the application form. The downloaded form must be uploaded to the KION system.
- Since the application form is available in Turkish language only, international students are encouraged to use Google Translate.
Step 2: KION System
- Login to the KION system with your SIS username and password. If you are applying for the first time, click “Register & Apply” to create your account first. After completing all the steps to create an account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, and then you can log in to the system and fill out the application form. If you have applied to the Erasmus+ program before, you can proceed with your SIS credentials to log in.
- When all required parts are completed, students should submit the application form.
- You should see “submitted” status after completing the application in the KION system.
Financial Support
1- Erasmus+ Mobility Grant
The Erasmus+ study mobility grant eligibility will be based on the budget allocated to OzU by the Turkish National Agency (TR NA). The grant distribution results can only be published after the official announcement by TR NA, which typically occurs during the late summer. The study mobility grant distribution announcement will not be published with the placement results.
It is important to note that the Erasmus+ grant support is not guaranteed for every student who has been placed, as the grant amount is limited. However, students can participate in the program as 'zero grant' students. The availability of financial support will be based on the student's ranking within the faculty/school.
Please note that placed students will be funded for a maximum of 4 months during the exchange period.
Details about the Erasmus+ grant and monthly grant amounts can be found on our website and in the presentation.
2- Additional Grant Support for Disadvantaged Students
Granted exchange students who are financially or/and socially disadvantaged may receive an additional grant during their exchange term. In order to benefit from this additional grant, students must submit the required document(s) obtained from the official authorities. The monthly amount of the additional grant is 250 EUR per month.
Eligible applicants are:
- Students who are subject to the decision of protection, care, and shelter based on Act No. 2828 Ministry of Family and Social Services Law;
- Students who are subject to the decision of protection, care, and shelter based on Act No. 5395 Child Protection Law;
- Students who receive an orphan’s pension; (updated)
- Students who are children of martyrs/veterans (For Turkish Citizens Only)
- Students whose families or themselves receive support due to financial hardship (Muhtaçlık Aylığı); 1
- Students with one parent or guardian who receive support due to disability or financial hardship; 2
- Students whose first-degree relatives or themselves receive disaster victim financial support from AFAD
- Students with disabilities 3
1 Students must submit the official document provided by Municipalities, Public Institutions or Official Public Organizations (such as Ministries, Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations, General Directorate of Foundations, Turkish Red Crescent, AFAD, etc.) attesting that they benefit from the official financial support at the time of the application.
2 Within the scope of the Law No. 2022: "Law on Pensions to the Needy, Powerless and Orphan Turkish Citizens and Disabled Persons Over 65", dated 01.07.1976; (https://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.2022.pdf)
3 Disabled people with at least 50% disability documented by the Disability Health Board report in the "Regulation on Disability Assessment for Adults" published in Official Gazette No. 30692 dated 20 February 2019
Receiving the KYK Scholarship or Loan is not acceptable to apply for the additional grant.
3 - Inclusion Support for Special Needs
Additional special need funding is available for participants whose individual physical; mental or health-related conditions are such that participation in Erasmus+ would not be possible without extra support.
Additional grant requests can be made within the mobility period, but in any case, up to 60 days before the mobility ends. Students must submit:
- National Agency Additional Grant Request Form (In the application form, it is necessary to explain why Inclusion Support is needed and attach supporting documents.)
- A doctor's report giving information about the disability and its level (not older than 3 months) and/or a photocopy of the disability card, doctor's report for chronic diseases)
- Acceptance letter from the partner institution (must state that it has the necessary equipment to meet the student's special requests.)
In order for a student to be considered for the Inclusion Support, students must inform the IEPO of their circumstances and provide official documentation of their disability, and declare the specific needs related to their condition. If the participant has an additional grant request, the approximate costs and justifications must be declared to IEPO. IEPO will submit requests to the Turkish National Agency for evaluation.
4- Travel Support and Green Travel (updated)
In order to contribute to students' travel expenses, there is travel support for study mobility. Grant for travel support can be allocated according to the distance from the host institution's city and to granted students. The distance calculator provided by the European Commission determines the km value between the starting point of the mobility and the place where the activity takes place, and the travel grant is calculated using the table below:
Distance | Travel Support | Green Travel |
Between 10-99 km | 28 EUR | 56 EUR |
Between 100-499 km | 211 EUR | 285 EUR |
Between 500-1999 km | 309 EUR | 417 EUR |
Between 2000-2999 km | 395 EUR | 535 EUR |
Between 3000-3999 km | 580 EUR | 785 EUR |
Between 4000-7999 km | 1188 EUR | 1188 EUR |
More than 8000 km | 1735 EUR | 1735 EUR |
The kilometer shown in the distance band calculator is the round-trip figure for the grant in the table below, and the amount in question is not multiplied by two. As a general rule, participants are expected to travel with low-emission transportation vehicles for distances under 500 km.
Green travel is defined as travel that uses low-emissions modes of transport for the main part of the travel, such as bus, train, or car-pooling. In the case of only one direction of travel for the exchange term, the student cannot benefit from the green travel support. Please note that electric car use is not considered green travel unless shared with another participant. All green travel support requests will be evaluated individually, and support can only be provided after the approval of the Turkish National Agency.
Information Sessions
The IEPO will hold online and on-campus information sessions on the following days and hours:
General Information Sessions - Online
- 1st general info session in Turkish: 22 January 2024, Monday @10:30 – Zoom Link
- 2nd general info session in English: 24 January 2024, Wednesday @10:30 – Zoom Link (updated)
- Info Session About Inclusion Support: 25 January 2024, Thursday @10:30 – Zoom Link
- 3rd general info session in Turkish: 31 January 2024, Wednesday @ 11:30 - Zoom Link
You may find the records of the information sessions on the following links: Turkish & English.
Faculty-Specific Information Sessions – On-campus (location info updated)
- Faculty of Business: 13 February 2024, Tuesday @10.40 - Academic Building 3 // Classroom 240
- Faculty of Architecture and Design: 13 February 2024, Tuesday @14.40 - ScOLa // Classroom 129
- Faculty of Engineering: 15 February 2024, Thursday @10.40 - Academic Building 2 // Classroom G14
- Faculty of Law & Faculty of Social Sciences: 15 February 2024, Thursday @14.40 - Academic Building 2 //Classrroom G15
- Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sc. & Faculty of Applied Sc.: 16 February 2024, Friday @10.40 - Academic Building 2 // Classroom G11
- All Graduate Schools:16 February 2024, Friday @14.40 - Academic Building 2 // Classroom G10
Question and Answer Sessions - Online
If you have academic obligations and cannot attend any of the information sessions, we recommend you check the information above and send your questions to international.relations@ozu.edu.tr .
Good luck with your application!
International Exchange Programs Office
Özyeğin University