Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Graduate School of Business at a Glance

Graduate School of Business at a Glance

With its five graduate-level programs, the Graduate School of Business (GSB) is the second largest faculty at OzU, encompassing 13% of the students in the university. The distribution of our students per program is as follows:

Program Number of Students*
MBA 16
Executive MBA 26
MS in Financial Engineering (FERM) Non-thesis 54
MS in Financial Engineering (FERM) Thesis 23
PhD in Business Administration 7
Total 119

*for 2023/24 Academic Year

Since its establishment, the Graduate School of Business has graduated over 600 students, who have pursued diverse careers in various countries. The following table represents the recent metrics demonstrating our graduate students’ post-graduation success.

Metrics* 2023 2022* 2021
Number of Graduates 23 55 60
Percentage of Graduate Alumni Who Are Employed, Pursuing Doctoral Studies, or Entrepreneurs %89 %91 %91
Percentage of Graduate Alumni Pursuing PhD Studies %33 %25 %0
Percentage of Graduate Alumni Who Are Entrepreneurs** %4 %5 %0

*As of July 2024

**In our metrics, 'entrepreneurship' refers to alumni who have founded their businesses, rather than the broader concept of entrepreneurship, which may include other entrepreneurial activities such as freelancing, consulting, or working in innovative roles within existing companies.