Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

3 BS Alumni

3 BS Alumni

Berke Söylemezoğlu

Berke Söylemezoğlu (IE) works as a brand manager at P&G. Giving great importance to the social activities provided by the university during his student period, Berke played in 5 theater plays with the OzU Chamber Theater in the first 3 years of his OzU adventure and participated in festivals. Then, he became the president of the OzU Operations Research Club, which he founded with his friends. The club has become the most active and crowded club in Özyeğin within 2 years.

Berke participated in volunteering programs in Lithuania for 2 months and Finland for 2 months during the summer periods as team leader. He had the chance to work with people from different countries and cultures. He also took part as a Peer Advisor in the Peer Advisor program, which Özyeğin University has set up for freshman students to get used to school. After graduation, he continued to share his experiences by recording podcasts and providing mentoring to university students.

Since Özyeğin University has adopted sectoral education as one of its main focuses, Berke had the opportunity to do a non-credit internships at Fiba Bank and GAP companies within the FIBA Group while he was a freshman. After that, he gained work experience at his internships at Philip Morris, Bayer and Coca Cola Beverage companies. As part of the graduation thesis course of the department of Industrial Engineering, he had the chance to work on a real problem that Unilever is experiencing and found a solution to the problem with the support of our academics.

In the Spring semester of 2020, Berke started as a Business Analyst at Deloitte Consulting company and then moved to P&G as Brand Manager, still continues to work in this position.

Asya Atik

Asya (IE) completed her bachelor’s degree with a double major in Industrial Engineering and International Business Administration and Trade at Ozyegin University. During her time at Ozyegin, she excelled academically while actively involved in various extracurricular activities. She served as a Teaching Assistant for several courses and actively participated in the TUSIAD Sustainability Development Forum. She started being involved in research projects and publications. Furthermore, she took on leadership roles as a board member and president of the Outdoor Sports Club, fostering a sense of community and promoting an active lifestyle among her peers. She is also an alumni of the Turkish Entrepreneurship Foundation.

Continuing her education, Asya pursued a master’s in Operations Research at North Carolina State University. During her time at NC State, she took on leadership roles within the Turkish Students Association, serving as vice president and president. Her academic contributions and dedication were recognized through various awards, including the College of Engineering Graduate Merit Award 2019, the University Graduate Fellowship 2019, and the ISE Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award 2023.

Currently, she is pursuing a Ph.D. in Transportation Systems, Civil Engineering at NC State, with an anticipated graduation in August 2023. Her research areas include Sustainable Transportation Systems, Humanitarian Logistics, Network Optimization, and Data Analytics. Her Ph.D. thesis focuses on traffic incident response network design, routing optimization, and incident hot-spot prediction. Starting in the fall of 2023, Asya has been offered a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Business Analytics at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York.

Okan Dursun

Okan (IE) is the Founding Member of Twin Science, the world’s first ed-tech company that combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning with SDGs education for young people to raise them as tomorrow’s changemakers. Twin Science has been recognized as a “Technology Pioneer” by the World Economic Forum, won BETT Awards 2020 and the Silver Play for Change Award from Toy Industry of Europe. 

As a student, Okan started his journey with the Young Guru Academy, one of Turkey’s leading NGOs, while studying at university. He was selected as one of the 50 young talents among 50,000 applicants to develop impact-driven projects for refugees, orphans, the visually impaired, and others through volunteerism. 

Passionate about eliminating inequality in education worldwide, Okan has also been leading a social responsibility project called the World Science Movement (WSM). The project aims to give children better access to STEM education. WSM has reached over 500,000 underprivileged children in Cameroon, Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya and Turkey. Okan believes that no curious mind should be left behind and he is dedicated towards working for this purpose until reaching all young people around the world.