Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL

Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Student Clubs

Student Clubs

Student clubs are established by students and carry out their activities under the guidance of an advisor who is a member of either academic or administrative staff. Student clubs report to the Social Events Unit in line with the effective procedures. Student clubs organize a wide array of events, including theatre, concerts, dance performances, seminars, conferences, talks, summits, social responsibility projects, trips, and athletic events. Club memberships and events are open to all students, and students may join multiple student clubs in their fields of interest.

Through the events they organize, students have the opportunity to gain new competencies or build on their existing skills, including planning, communication, leadership, cooperation, decision-making, and time and stress management.

In 2023-2024 Academic Year, there are 56 clubs that report to the Social Events Unit. The student clubs organizes more than 600 in-person and online events each and every year.

ActEng Club

Özyeğin University ActEng Club aims to provide its members with vast experience in acting, directing, and stage life through basic acting and performing arts studies conducted in English. At the same time, the club offers various learning opportunities for its members to delve into concepts such as dramaturgy and acting schools. Through this initiatives, the club aims to foster a learning-conducive environment where all its members can explore intellectual and psychological aspects about themselves and others within a safe community. During the semester, the club stages plays with alternative forms in which each member can take an important part. Additionally, the club organizes film screenings to discuss and analyze acting and directing techniques.

Contact: clubs.acteng@ozu.edu.tr

Anime Manga Club

Anime Manga Club brings together Özyeğin University students who share an interest in anime and manga culture. The club offers its members the opportunity to explore, review, and engage in discussions about popular anime and manga series through the events it organizes. Moreover, the club extends beyond the world of anime and manga to further enrich the experiences of its members through various activities centered around Far Eastern culture. These activities include anime film screenings, manga reading days, workshops on Far Eastern languages and culture, cosplay and drawing events, anime conventions and themed parties. At the same time, the club also leads a series of projects to encourage its members to contribute to the world of anime and manga by using their own creativity. As the Anime Manga Club, we are dedicated to ensure that our members have fun while deepening their understanding about this popular field of culture. We aim to foster a community in which new friendships are forged, and students with shared interests can freely unite. We invite everyone interested to join our colorful and fun world.

Contact: clubs.animemanga@ozu.edu.tr

Artificial Intelligence Club

The Artificial Intelligence Club unites students with technology to encourage them to embrace innovative technologies. The club offers effective training sessions, projects, and collaboration opportunities to enhance its members' knowledge and skills in the field of artificial intelligence. By integrating ethical values with advanced technology, it offers students the opportunity to develop solutions for the future. The club supports students in shaping the future by using technology while considering ethical responsibilities.

Kulüp İletişim: clubs.ai@ozu.edu.tr

Ataturkist Thought Club

The Ataturkist Thought Club is founded with the primary goal of preserving Ataturkist thought and ensuring the incorporation of Ataturk’s principles into our lives. The club also provides necessary support for ceremonies held by the University in celebration of national holidays. Additionally, the club aims to invite distinguished guests renowned for their commitment to the Ataturkist thought, and bring them together with students at various on-campus events to help them gain a deeper understanding of the Ataturkist thought. Moreover, the club is also dedicated to cultivate a vibrant environment where students can socialize, have fun, and grow through a variety of activities.

Contact: clubs.ataturkistthought@ozu.edu.tr

Aviation Club

The mission of the Özyeğin University Aviation Club is to be one of the pioneering clubs in aviation that welcomes not just the students of the Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences but students from all faculties. The club aims to instill the love of aviation in students, and inform students about the past, present, and future of aviation. To that end, the club organizes competitions, trips, and seminars that cover different fields of aviation in order to promote interest in aviation. The club also organizes events that cover every domain of aviation with the resources provided by Özyeğin University, while at the same time contributing to preparing qualified and innovative aviators. By inviting guest speakers from every domain of the aviation sector and seminars, the club shows students the broad spectrum of aviation, and encourages people for aviation.

Contact: clubs.aviation@ozu.edu.tr

Chamber Orchestra and Western Music Club

The Chamber Orchestra and Western Music Club aims to guide students who have a shared passion for classical music and who want to take part in club activities and participate in concerts. The club also endeavors to foster a productive environment in which club members can collectively prepare concerts, and discover and showcase their talents.

Contact: clubs.chamberorchestra@ozu.edu.tr

Chess Club

The club covers everything about chess and is open to everyone interested in chess. The club organizes tournaments, holds events, offers training programs, and provides information and guidance about chess. The club’s goal is to promote chess on campus and bring together chess lovers and enthusiasts.

Contact: clubs.chess@ozu.edu.tr

Chinese Culture Club

The Chinese Club gives the opportunity to get to know in depth the Chinese culture with its music, art, language, clothing, and cuisine. The club garners a lot of attention in particular from students who are taking or aspiring to take Chinese classes at the university. The club explores the strong influence that the high-impact Chinese culture exerts on different disciplines. The club directly contacts members of the Chinese culture and organizes a wide array of events to give a closer and accurate look into the Chinese culture.

Contact: clubs.china.culture@ozu.edu.tr


The club organizes film screenings, activities for off-campus festivals, competitions, particularly short film competitions, and talks with doyens of the cinema sector.

Contact: clubs.cinema@ozu.edu.tr

Construction Club

The club was founded in 2017 and since then, has been actively organizing events. The club’s target audience is civil engineering, architecture, and interior architecture students. The club’s activities include technical trips, seminars, and workshops. The club’s executive board members meet regularly to plan the events to be held throughout the semester, and makes sure to organize events periodically and frequently. The club brings together civil engineers, architects, and interior architects, who are the building blocks of the future construction sector, under its roof to ensure unity and solidarity. The cub’s mission is to prepare knowledgeable and experienced colleagues for the future.

Contact: clubs.construction@ozu.edu.tr

Cycling Club

The Cycling Club has chosen as its motto to disseminate the cycling culture by visiting different locations and landmarks in Turkey, in particular Istanbul, organize tours intertwined with nature, and have lots of fun. In line with this motto, the club aims to offer basic training for first-time cyclists, and instill the love of cycling in its members, while also offering a fun and interactive community to join. The club endeavors to organize a rich blend of activities from beach tours in warm weather to long-distance camping trips, all of which are held with great team spirit.

Contact: clubs.cycling@ozu.edu.tr

Dynamic Mountaineering Club

The Dynamic Mountaineering Club is a student club founded with the goals of exploring the mountaineering sport with all its dimensions, vesting its members with the necessary skills in a mountain environment, and offering technical training to prepare future Alpinists. The club aims to make mountaineering accessible as much as possible and continue its activities within the scope of a sustainable training/trainee program in which seasoned members transfer their technical knowledge to new members and offer guidance. The club’s activities include hiking, indoor bouldering training practices, bouldering, rock climbing, and summer and winter climbing. In line with the goals of the club, club members aim to receive training in various disciplines of the mountaineering sport and develop themselves first mentally and then physically. The club is committed to leaving no trace behind in line with the Alpine style, performing the mountaineering sport as a team sport, free from all personal ambition or competition, and building a community dedicated to these principles.

Contact: clubs.mountainclimbing@ozu.edu.tr

ESN Ozyegin

ESN Ozyegin aims to support and develop the social and cultural integration of outgoing and incoming students, and encourage and provide information to students who attend or aspire to attend the Erasmus Program through a variety of social activities.

Contact: clubs.esn@ozu.edu.tr

Fine Arts Club

The Fine Arts Club organizes a broad array of artistic events in every branch of art from charcoal drawing to paper marbling and ceramics. The goal of the club is to contribute to art through courses, workshops, seminars, and even festivals, and give its members a taste of the excitement of creating art. The club is always open to suggestions and requests of its members and ready to take a step forward to continually improve itself with new ideas. The club believes that art helps us discover different ways to express ourselves and offers us new perspectives. Furthermore, the club believes that art is a nice purpose that brings us together and invites all art lovers to join them.

Contact: clubs.finearts@ozu.edu.tr

Google Developers Student Club

The Google Developers Student Club aims to create a fun learning environment where students can put their theoretical software knowledge into practice. The club also offers a competitive area where students can test their skills and competencies, brings together students with the leading computer and software engineers in the sector in order to prepare them for their future careers in the sector, and continuously keeps students informed about the latest technological developments.

Contact: clubs.googledevelopers@ozu.edu.tr

HSE Society

The HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) Society is a student community that brings together people who are committed to improving the sense of environmental responsibility and, in particular, to make Özyeğin University more livable and sustainable. The Özyeğin University campus boasts a world-class health, safety, and environment culture. The HSE Community aims to develop and take this culture to new heights. The club aims to place a high emphasis on face-to-face activities with well-renowned national and international organizations, including TEMA and the Red Crescent, to organize a broad range of events, with the ultimate goal of making sure that the members of the OzU community remain aware of and sensitive to current developments.

Contact: clubs.hsesociety@ozu.edu.tr

Idealistic Legal Professionals

Idealistic Legal Professionals is a law club intended to help improve law with revisions and advancements, and prepare idealistic jurists who are committed to modern law. The club invites guest speakers and organizes seminars and events to explore and discuss current issues in order to support its members’ academic development in law. Furthermore, the club organizes visits to law firms and receptions in order to build its members’ legal network. The club also endeavors to foster a warm environment through a series of social events in order to enhance communication and forge a stronger bond among its members.

Contact: clubs.idealistic.legal.professionals@ozu.edu.tr

International Club

The International Club organizes fun events for both international and Turkish students to socialize and spend a good time together in a peaceful and stress-free environment. Embracing an attentive and genial approach, the club offers consultancy for a broad range of issues including adaptation, adjustment to a new environment, and social shock, and endeavors to offer a relaxed environment for both graduates and current students.

Contact: clubs.international@ozu.edu.tr

International Hospitality and Tourism Club

The International Hospitality and Tourism Club aims to build a network of hospitality and tourism, be familiarized with different events in the field of hospitality and tourism and help them build on their knowledge while having fun, and organize a series of events, including trips, meals, and conferences.

Contact: clubs.tourism@ozu.edu.tr

Japanese Language and Culture Club

The OzU Japan Language and Culture Club is an inclusive organization dedicated to cultivating an appreciation for Japanese culture and language. Through a variety of activities including cultural workshops, anime and manga events, and traditional celebrations, the club promotes cross-cultural understanding. The club also provides learning opportunities through its structured Japanese classes. The club also offers a diverse range of special opportunities to further explore Japanese culture, including opportunities to discover Japanese cuisine and music. Striking a balance between learning and creativity, the club fosters a distinct environment for students to fully immerse themselves in Japanese culture, thereby contributing to a vibrant and supportive campus environment.

Contact: clubs.japaneseculture@ozu.edu.tr

Martial Arts Club

The goal of the Özyeğin University Martial Arts Club is to be prepared for any threats one may face in day-to-day lives in a way befitting to Özyeğin University students, and maintain sports and its contributions in our lives through martial arts. The club achieves this goal in two ways. The first is to vest students who have a keen interest but no previous experience in martial arts with the basic training, athletic discipline and respect, body-mind coordination, and physical and mental preparedness to shake off stress, and most of all, to defend themselves in the face of a potential threat. The second is to equip students with prior experience in martial arts with more advances skills in order to help them attend official tournaments to represent the university and the club, and offer them the opportunity to have valuable, meaningful, unforgettable memories.

Contact: clubs.defensearts@ozu.edu.tr

Ombudsman Club

Reporting to the Ombudsman Institution, the Ombudsman Club aims to familiarize students with the methods of rights claiming, capitalizing on the extensive radius of action of the rights claiming culture through the influence the Ombudsman Institute exerts on and the awareness the Ombudsman Institute raises in Turkish law. The club organizes both in-person and online conferences and seminars with competent invited speakers in attendance to share their experiences with participants. The club also schedules visits to institutions to increase its members’ social and visual intelligence and raise their awareness, among many other events for club members to socialize. The club is a community built with the goal of preparing its members as conscious citizens and well-equipped jurists.

Contact: clubs.ombudsman@ozu.edu.tr

Outdoor Sports Club

The Özyeğin University Outdoor Sports Club was founded with the mission of spending quality time together around a shared interest and experiencing a wide range of sports together. The club’s goals include experiencing different sports and introducing more participants to sports every year. The Özyeğin University Outdoor Sports Club boasts a large selection of events including camping, hiking, skiing & snowboarding, wakeboarding, orienteering, airsoft, ATV tours, paintball, sailing, and kite surfing. The Outdoor Sports Club aims to organize a broad array of events to vest its participants with different skills, in particular effective communication skills. The most important outcome of events held throughout the year is the increased sense of belongingness among club members, which in turn helps grow the Outdoor Sports Club community each year.

Contact: clubs.outdoorsports@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Blockchain Club

The Blockchain Club aims to disseminate information about and introduce its members and the campus community in general to the Blockchain technology, one of the rising technologies in great demand at the moment, and its resulting applications such as cryptocurrencies, NFT, and Metaverse. In doing so, the club also endeavors to provide its members who wish to pursue their careers in this field with an environment for professional development to build and hone their skills. The club’s vision is to go one step beyond traditional methods, and to explore, experience, and share all interesting features of this new technology.

Contact: clubs.ozublockchain@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Brew Academy

The OzU Brew Academy aims to bring everyone interested in coffee under the same roof to share information and experiences. The club aims to collectively uncover the true potential of coffee and develop a new vision. As the first coffee club in Turkey, the club plans to organize coffee and brewing trainings, talks, workshops with invited speakers from the coffee sector, coffee tasting events, coffee-food pairing sessions, and coffee and roastery trips, as well as create written and visual contents in line with the club’s goals. The club aims to share the experiences obtained through coffee to reach out to more people and enjoy these moments of joy together.

Contact: clubs.ozubrewacademy@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Business

OzU Business is a career club for everyone. The club offers a rich array of benefits from career development to networking for students from all over Turkey, in particular students of Özyeğin University, through its online and in-person events. To that end, OzU Business organizes summits, camps, mock interviews, and case studies among many other events. In 2021, OzU Business was recognized with the Turkey’s Best Career Club Award by Toptalent.

Contact: clubs.business@ozu.edu.tr


OzU CAD organizes a wide range of events pertaining to the departments of architecture, interior architecture, industrial design, and communication design. The club also welcomes invited speakers both from the university and from outside of the university. Every Wednesday, the club organizes “ÇAÇA Talks” as well as 1-hour events/talks on different topics on Fridays. Aside from talks, the club also organizes field trips centered on architecture and design, accompanied by invited experts to expose its members to different fields of expertise. These workshops give members the opportunity to learn more about architecture and design while having fun. The club not only invites seasoned faculty members from our university but also seasoned industry experts to learn more about the sector and get to know the business world more closely. The club’s annual flagship event “Gradtalks” gives students the opportunity to listen to OzU alumni and hear their employment and career stories to have a better sense of professional life and draw their own career maps.

Contact: clubs.architecture@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Chamber Theatre

The OzU Chamber Theatre is a repertory theater and a practice stage. The club was founded in 2014 as a result of the collective efforts of theater instructors Baran Güler and Gizem Yağız, and students in order to play host to alternative staging forms. Today, the club serves as a well-resourced stage equipped with a broad range of professional equipment. The club organizes theatrical and basic acting workshops. Members can take to the stage or work backstage in plays and other performances to be presented on the stage by the club. Furthermore, the club organizes events in which members can see plays on different stages throughout the year. In addition to serving as actors/actresses, they can also obtain experience theater with all its aspects by taking part in the design, costume, technical, production, social media, and event teams. In other words, in OzU Chamber Theater, all theater-related activities are conducted by students using university resources. OzU Chamber Theatre also takes pride in its unique structure that is yet to exist in other universities in Turkey with its spacious stage exclusively assigned to Chamber Theatre students despite the fact that the university does not have a theater department, as well as its organizational structure, all-student formation, and institutional management.

Contact: clubs.chamber.theatre@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Cuisine

The OzU Cuisine Club brings together students from different departments around the shared interests of culture, gastronomy, and taste discovery with the ultimate goal of developing its members in these areas both socially and interactively. The club aims to prepare conscious consumers, promote creativity, and instill social responsibility and sustainability in its members.

Contact: clubs.ozucuisine@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Dance

OzU Dance takes pride in being one of the most established clubs at Özyeğin University with a strong brand reputation, offering dance classes in a broad range of popular and different styles to OzU students every year. The Dance Club aims to organize a variety of events to offer dance classes, share its passion for dance, and spend a good time together while doing all these. Club members have the opportunity to reinforce and and put into practice their knowledge in dance classes, frequently organized workshops, and dance nights. The club also provides support to members who wish to participate in competitions in different dance categories during their preparation phase, and these groups have the chance to represent OzUDance in dance competitions. Also, the club plays host to OzU Dance Fest organized annually in every May, welcoming the dance clubs from numerous universities to showcase their dance performances on stage.

Contact: clubs.dance@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Debate

The OzU Debate Club was essentially founded to play debate games. However, the club’s activities and contributions are not limited to debate. Debate is an interactive game that involves a formal discussion between two sides on a particular subject. Debate topics can be from any subject. Therefore, the Debate Club gives training to its members in order to equip them with general culture. These trainings cover a broad range of subjects including individual versus state, law, economics, and social movements. Once members are vested with knowledge, they are given opportunities to use their knowledge to make arguments in periodic debate practices. Throughout the year, the club participates in a variety of debate tournaments across Turkey, and in fact, organizes its very own debate tournament with participants from other universities in attendance.

Contact: clubs.debate@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Diplomacy Club

The purpose of the OzU Diplomacy Club is to introduce the Özyeğin University students to diplomacy, and help them recognize the importance of international relations and diplomacy. In line with these goals, the club performs current foreign policy analyses with the help of experts, brings students with diplomats, organizes training programs, and offers events in light of latest developments in global politics. The Diplomacy Club also aims to introduce its members to the doyens of the department and help them build their own business networks. The club endeavors to prepare its members as cultivated individuals who closely follow the latest developments around the world, are able to critically analyze these developments, and are cognizant of current issues.

Contact: clubs.diplomacy@ozu.edu.tr

OzU DJ Club

The Disk Jokey Club was founded to introduce to and inform about new music genres. The main goal of the club is to offer basic DJ training to its members. The club’s main fields of activities include organizing music events, organizing workshops that are open to both members and non-members, offering DJ support for on-campus events, organizing talks and live performances with well-known DJs.

Contact: clubs.ozudj@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Entrepreneurship Society

OzU Entrepreneurship Society was founded in 2014, and since then, the club has been forging ahead with unwavering commitment to introduce innovations to the University. The club aims to instill the entrepreneurial spirit in students at our university and help expand the entrepreneurship ecosystem with a multiplier effect. The club also serves as a bridge between students and the Center for Entrepreneurship located on the Çekmeköy Campus of Özyeğin University in order to promote and raise awareness of the center’s activities.

Contact: clubs.entrepreneurship@ozu.edu.tr

Ozu Game Dev

Ozu Game Dev aims to create a multidisciplinary environment which brings together enthusiastic people from various fields under the same roof. Our project-oriented studies, which cover a broad range of topics including game design, animation, programming, and modelling, require nothing more than enthusiasm. Our club integrates the rapidly rising game development industry in Turkey with academic knowledge in a quest to make Özyeğin University an integral part of this ecosystem.

Contact: clubs.ozugamedev@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Game HUB

The club organizes and holds both online and in-person events. The club brings together students and help them socialize through its broad array of fun activities. The club aims not to only offer e-sport games but also online, story and board games.

Contact: clubs.ozugamehub@ozu.edu.tr


The Institute of Engineers and Everyone Else (IEEE) is one of the world’s leading engineering societies. The IEEE and OzU jointly organize seminars, trainings, and field trips for OzU students to make their university life more colorful, and help them shape their road maps for their future careers.

Contact: clubs.ieee@ozu.edu.tr


OzU LGBTIQ+ Club aims to foster an environment of love, respect, and tolerance in which LGBTIQ+ individuals can feel safe and realize that they are not alone with the ultimate goal of fighting against any discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as well as homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic attitudes and practices. The club endeavors to disseminate and direct efforts in the field of LGBTIQ+ individuals’ social, cultural, and economic rights, and organizes events to create public opinion about its activities to that end.

Contact: clubs.lgbtiq@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Maker

The OzU Maker Club is the representative of the maker movement, a technology-based DIY (Do It Yourself) culture surging across the world. The goal of the club is to foster a maker spirit in the Özyeğin University ecosystem, promote the maker culture on campus, and prepare individuals who would rather produce than consume. In addition to being a club that offers training on 3D modeling, coding, 3D printing, and design, the club also organizes seminars, competitions, and workshops on emerging technologies in order to introduce the maker culture to Özyeğin students and make them part of the maker culture.

Contact: clubs.ozumaker@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Motorsport

OzU Motorsport unites students who are passionate about premiere motorsports such as Formula 1, Moto GP, and WEC to build meaningful communication and connections among motorsport enthusiasts. While the club is open to all those interested in motor sports, it also welcomes all sport fans interested in other branches of sport as well. In addition to organizing social events, the club also places a special emphasis on the educational and developmental effects of motor sports to further encourage its members to pursue their academic studies.

Contact: clubs.motorsport@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Music Club

OzU Music Club was founded as a platform to bring together all music enthusiasts under a single roof. Be it that you play an instrument or are simply a music enthusiast, or you want to expand your musical knowledge and improve your creative and interdisciplinary thinking skills, or you aim to communicate with others through music or just listen to music, the Özyeğin Music Club is the place to be for you to do all of this.

Contact: clubs.music@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Musical Theatre Club

Through its activities, the club aims to enable young people to express themselves more easily and effectively, boost their self-confidence to contribute to their personal development, take an active role in their social lives, develop their creativity, and transform them into individuals who listen, question, and analyze. In addition to basic acting practices including mime improvisation, movement, role, and text work, the club also aims to develop effective communication skills through activities such as rhetoric, diction, rhythm, and use of breath-body-voice.

Contact: clubs.musicaltheatre@ozu.edu.tr


The Özyeğin University Operations Research Club is a career club that also places an emphasis on social events. Each year, the club organizes summits on current themes and career development, welcoming the leading figures from the business world. The club aims to prepare its members for professional life through case studies and mock simulations, while at the same time creating opportunities to meet prominent business persons from valuable companies through its TeaTalk events. In addition to these, the club also endeavors to organize technical trips, social activities, and similar events that give students the opportunity to be familiarized with the field, and that support peer communication.

Contact: clubs.ozuor@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Paws

Our club aims to ensure that our campus pets are in good health, and that they have a positive interaction with the campus community. The club also endeavors to help our campus pets find their forever homes, if possible, and raise an awareness of stray animals. OzU Paws looks after and feeds campus pets on a voluntary basis with the support of the university. The club organizes shelter orientations during which our campus dogs are walked by volunteer students throughout the semester in order to ensure that they spend a quality time in the on-campus shelter. The club also puts up stands and organizes events in collaboration with fellow student clubs in order to raise funds to fulfill the needs of the shelter.

Contact: clubs.ozupaws@ozu.edu.tr


The Underwater Sports Club was founded with the goal of getting to know the underwater world, discovering the mysteries of the deep blue, and sharing this beautiful experience with OzU students. The club aims to instill the love of underwater sports in students, including scuba diving, underwater hockey, and underwater rugby, and introduce the underwater world to fellow students with its “Mavinin OzU” conference. The club offers diving training, and forges ahead in bringing together its licensed members with the enchanting shades of blue by organizing diving trips to various locations both in winter and summer.

Contact: clubs.ozusas@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Yoga & Well-Being Club

Our goal is to support our physical and mental health with activities such as yoga with the ultimate goal of fostering the integrity of mind, body, and soul. In addition to different types of yoga including yin yoga, hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga, kundalini yoga, ashtanga yoga, and acro yoga, we will get together at our workshops on taichi, qigong, body awareness, and somatic, aromatherapy as well as our coffee talks.

Contact: clubs.yogaandwellbeing@ozu.edu.tr

OzU Zoom

OzU Zoom aims to teach photography by organizing photography trips and inviting experienced guest speakers. The club builds a solid knowledge base by organizing training sessions in the field of photography. The club also encourages its members to put their knowledge into practice through in-city or inter-city photography trips. Furthermore, the club organizes a diverse range of workshops to build stronger ties with its members, and create new outputs and experiences in the field of photography. Emphasizing that it is not the professional camera but how you see the world that matters, the club does not require camera ownership for membership.

Contact: clubs.photography@ozu.edu.tr

Özyeğin ILSA Law Club

The club, an affiliate of the International Law Students Association, aims to introduce international law systems to help its members who aspire to become competent legal professionals in the future have an easier adjustment to professional life. To that end, our club organizes office visits, seminars, and conferences featuring the experts in their respective fields, and inter-city company visits to provide its members with a full-fledged notion of law.

Contact: clubs.ilsa@ozu.edu.tr


The Psychology Club, PsychOz, was founded by the students of the Psychology Department at Özyeğin University in the 2014-2015 academic year. The goal of the project is to strengthen the bond among the students of the Psychology Department at Özyeğin University, provide them with information about the department, and help them become competent individuals in their career journeys. The club takes prides in its large scale events that are not limited to the students of OzU but also other Psychology students in Turkey as well as students from various countries in the world.

Contact: clubs.psychology@ozu.edu.tr

Sailing Sports Club

The Sailing Club offers an ideal setting for water sports enthusiasts. Managed by a team of both seasoned sailors and amateur members interested in sea sports, the club welcomes participants at all levels. Providing a diverse range of activities including training sessions, races, and social gatherings, the Sailing Club empowers students to embrace the sea, develop their sailing skills, and build a social network within a supportive community of fellow enthusiasts. The club also aims to create lasting memories for students in an atmosphere filled with love of the sea and team spirit.

Contact: clubs.sailing@ozu.edu.tr

Science and Philosophy Club

The Science and Philosophy Club organizes meetings and events where students can talk and learn more about science and philosophy in a free environment. Through these events, the Science and Philosophy Society aims to help students improve themselves in the sought-after 21st century skills of inquiry, curiosity, and research, and prepare them as robust graduates not just academically but also socially and culturally. Furthermore, one of the main goals of the society is to prepare all its events with the collective efforts of all its members. The society also supports its members in creating content using various print, online, or audio-visual tools such as Podcasts, Youtube videos, Instagram and Twitter posts, or blogs and fanzines. Through content creation, the society aims to introduce its members about “creating by having fun” and build strong ties with their team members.

Contact: clubs.scienceandphilosophy@ozu.edu.tr

Social Umbrella Club

The goal of the Social Umbrella Club is to organize social responsibility projects in different fields to raise awareness. The club’s main activities include aid events, seminars, certification training programs, long-term projects, awareness summits, and joint events held in collaboration with big social responsibility organizations in Turkey. As the club boasts a broad range of activities, all those who wish to become more active and involved in the field social responsibility have the opportunity to find the social responsibility project they are looking for.

Contact: clubs.umbrella@ozu.edu.tr

Sustainability HUB - Ecologic Life and Food

The Ecological Life and Food Club aims to implement and disseminate the permaculture design principles, sustainable agriculture practices, and a holistic management philosophy. The club’s goal is to foster a culture that prompts to question the relationship between the production and consumption processes, preserve biodiversity, create waste-free consumption habits, and become aware of quality food. In line with these goals and objectives, the club plans to offer a variety of events including introduction to permaculture trainings, tasting events, soap making workshops, wine harvest tours, seed exchange festival, waste-free kitchen workshops, fermentation workshops, meal meetings, participation in small-scale farmers’ planting and harvesting, seminars, talks, documentary screenings, and book analyses.

Contact: clubs.ecologicallifeandfood@ozu.edu.tr

Sustainability HUB - Social Awareness

The Social Awareness Club aims to use audio-visual tools in order to raise awareness of sustainability. To this end, the club contacts experts, organizes aid campaigns, and make research. And above of all, the club endeavors to take action for sustainability. The club brings together students for a better future.

Contact: clubs.socialawareness@ozu.edu.tr

The Guardians of Rights

Since its inception, the Guardians of Rights Club has been dedicated to drawing attention to human rights violations in Türkiye and around the world, with a particular focus on Özyeğin University. The primary goal of the club is to advocate at the university level for a society in which all individuals equally benefit from the rights guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all other international human rights documents. The club strives to protect human rights from diverse perspectives and actively organizes multidisciplinary events to achieve this goal. These events include charity concerts, visits to prisons, workshops on solutions for human rights violations, and talks with individuals who have experienced human rights violations. In doing so, the club aims to foster a campus environment in which no one is hurt, disadvantaged, or discriminated against based on their own identity, while raising awareness about human rights. The club's vision is to cultivate a collective Özyeğin spirit that ensures the protection of human rights is not solely entrusted to lawyers.

Contact: clubs.guardiansofrights@ozu.edu.tr

Women Studies Club

With the belief that women’s studies must have an important place both at home and around the world, the Women’ Studies Club organizes events and activities to help women’s studies take their well-deserved place. Each year, the Women Studies Club organizes a series of events spread throughout the academic year. Through these events, the club aims to raise its members’ awareness of women’s social status. To that end, the club holds talks with experts in their respective fields, and organizes workshops, film screenings, and book reading sessions with a focus on feminist classics. The club endeavors to enhance the diversity of its events both to increase awareness and reach a wider audience.

Contact: clubs.women.studies@ozu.edu.tr