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Nov 09, 2022 - Nov 18, 2022

Thesis Defense – Gürkan Maruf Mıhçı (PHDDTS)

Gürkan Maruf Mıhçı – Design, Technology, and Society PhD Program

Asst. Prof. Metin Çavuş – Advisor

Date: 18.11.2022

Time: 18.00

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/91022157504?pwd=Z0ZuOVorTXA3ZXpPN1kzWVlFNmV2Zz09  

Meeting ID: 910 2215 7504

Passcode: 571558



Asst. Prof. Gürkan Maruf Mıhçı, Özyeğin University

Asst. Prof. Özlem Özkal, Özyeğin University

Asst. Prof. Zeynep Merve Uygun AzizoğluÖzyeğin University

Asst. Prof. Serkan ŞavkIzmir University of Economics

 Asst. Prof. Gökhan MuraIzmir University of Economics



There were 333 fantastic movies in Turkish cinema between 1950-1985. Because of the social, cultural, and economic changes during the 70s (urbanization, western-centric modernization, and Turkey’s cultural relationship between the US and Europe), fantastic movie production has increased dramatically (177 fantastic movies were produced between 1970-80). Still, after the coup in 1980, with civil unrest and economic instabilities, a few fantastic movies were produced after 1982. These fantastic movie title sequence designs are unique and significant examples of early Turkish motion graphics designs. They have an important role in Turkish design history because of low budget-fast production, technology based processes, and their visual languages, characteristics, and concepts. This research examines how title sequences can be analyzed in fantastic Turkish movies between 1950- 1985 and understand the visual characteristics of these title sequences and how these can be categorized visually. This study aims to research title sequence designs in fantastic Turkish cinema between 1950-1985 and focuses on a historical showcase of how aspects of national and cultural diversity must be accounted for in studying design and visual culture.



Gürkan Maruf Mıhçı is pursuing his Ph.D. at the Özyeğin University (Design, Technology, and Society Program). He is also an Assistant Professor at IUPUI Herron School of Art and Design for five years and a Project-Based Learning Lab Faculty Fellow at Engage Learning Institute at IUPUI. He has his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Graphic Design (Bilkent University) and a Master of Arts in Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design (Sabancı University) with a concentration in Audio Visual Noise and Glitches. After he graduated, he taught communication design and foundation of art classes at Kadir Has University and İzmir University of Economics for nine years. He also has a Central European University Graduate Certificate in Culture and Politics and Maker Teacher Certificate in Robotics and 3D Printing. He is a board member of the World Listening Project.



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