Özyeğin Üniversitesi, Çekmeköy Kampüsü Nişantepe Mahallesi Orman Sokak 34794 Çekmeköy İstanbul

Telefon : +90 (216) 564 90 00

Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99



Profesör Dr.


Carnegie Mellon University, Industrial Administration, 2000

Yüksek Lisans

Boğaziçi University, Business Administration, 1996, Carnegie Mellon University, MBA, 1998


Boğaziçi University, Industrial Engineering, 1990

Araştırma Alanları

Bilgi teknolojileri/ Bilgisayar Bilimlleri ve Pazarlama, Uzman Sistemler, Marka Değerlemesi, Tüketicilerin öğrenim davranışları, yapısal (structural )karar verme modelleri, Marka Öz Varlığı (Brand Equity) ve dinamik yapılandırılması, Fiyatlandırma, Marka Değerlemesi/ Marka Öz Varlıkları ile ilgili rekabet stratejileri



  • “A Strategic Analysis of Multi-Channel Expert Services,” with Z Özdemir, forthcoming  JMIS (A Ranked)
  • “Noninfluentials and Information Dissemination in Microblogging Community” with K. Altınkemer and C. Hailiang, Information Technology and Management, forthcoming, Indexed in Science Citation Index
  • “Online Intermediary as a Channel for Selling Quality-Differentiated Services,” with Z. Özdemir and M Rahman, Decision Sciences 46(1), pp 37-62 (2015) (A Ranked)
  • “How to Make Global Cities: Information Communication Technologies and Macro-Level Variables” with Avci, B. Technological Forecasting & Social Change (89), pp 68–79, (November 2014). (A Ranked)
  • “Drug Prescription Behavior and Decision Support Systems,” with Z. Özdemir, Decision Support Systems (57), pp 395–405 (2014) (A Ranked)
  • “Expert Competition and the Internet,” with  Z. Özdemir., and S. Jain, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 18(1),  pp. 1-11 (2013).  Ranked as the top 4th journal out of 62 for ecommerce, https://web.csulb.edu/journals/jecr/FullTable3.pdf
  • “The Strategic Role Of Private Labels On Retail Competition,” with A. Kalra and R. Bezawada, Lead Article, Boğaziçi Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies 1-25, 26 (2012); Indexed also in EbscoHost, premier journal in Turkey
  • “Affiliated Marketing,” Information Systems and e-Business Management, 8, 379-394 (2010) https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10257-009-0118-4; Indexed in Social Science Citation Index
  • “Digital Bundling,” with K. Altınkemer, Information Systems and e-Business Management, 8, 337-355 (2010), https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10257-009-0117-5; indexed in Social Science Citation Index, 
  • “Privacy, Customization, and Cross-Selling of Personal Information” with Z. Özdemir and K. Altınkemer, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 19, 112 – 132 (2009); Indexed in Science Citation Index
  • “A Multivariate Mixed Poisson-Lognormal Model of Cross-Category Store Brand Purchasing Behavior,” with H. D. Wang and M. Kalwani, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 14, 369-382 (2007); Indexed in Scopus
  • “Second Opinions and Online Consultations,” with Z. Özdemir and K. Altınkemer, Decision Support Systems, 42, 1747-1758 (2006), Indexed in Science Citation Index (A Ranked)
  • “Customer Intimacy and Cross-Selling Strategy,” with K. Srinivasan, Management Science, 51(6), 1007-1012 (2005), Impact Factor:4.125, William W. Cooper Award, Essay 2; Indexed also in Social Science Citation Index (A Ranked)
  • “Consumer Learning and Brand Valuation: An Application On Over-The-Counter (OTC) Drugs,” with F. Gönül and E. Petrova, Marketing Science, 23(1), 156-169 (2004), William W. Cooper Award, Essay 1; Indexed also in Social Science Citation Index (A Ranked)
  • “Brand Salience and Private Label Competition,” Lead Article, Boğaziçi Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies, 17(1), 3-21 (2003); Indexed in EbscoHost, premier journal in TR 
  • Diffusion Models for B2B, B2C and P2P Exchanges and E-Speak,” with K. Altınkemer, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 12(3), 243-261 (2002); Indexed in Science Citation Index
  • “Determinants of microblogging and sentiments towards brands on the web,” with K. Altınkemer and H. Chen, Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Phoenix, Arizona, October, 2012
  • “Strategic Advance Selling Quality Differentiated Services,” with M. Rahman Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial International Conference on Services Marketing 2012
  • “Physician Learning and Clinical Decision Support Systems,” AMCIS 2009 Proceedings, https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2009/499

Verilen Dersler

Stratejik Pazarlama İletişimleri Yönetimi (MKTG320), Pazarlama Stratejisi (MKTG804), Pazar Araştırması (MKTG832), Uygulamalı Pazarlama Modelleri (MKTG916)